Chapter 6

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Pony's POV:

"Well Soda...." I started as we were headed in the car. I knew I had to spit it out or else they would just keep asking, so I tried my hardest to say it without having a full on breakdown knowing I'm willingly driving headfirst into my worst nightmare, literally.

"Well uhh, my fear is more sensory." I said while sniffling.

"Look at me. Calm down, take a breath, and gather your thoughts. Me and the guys are right here." I loved Soda so much. He understood what it was like to be an outcast, and he understood it. I continued once I was calmed down.

"O-okay. So uh anyway, like I said, my fear is more sensory. Like f-for example, the feeling I get when I think about it, when I have dreams about it. And it's not just that. It's like, the shiver up my spine I get when I walk down the long endless halls of the hospital. The sounds, like the beeping and people crying and all the machines I see. I just d-don't feel safe there and it's overwhelming and I can't do anything because I know I'm in the eyes of doctors. And the poking and prodding. It makes me feel terrified. So honestly it's just the whole experience and I know it's stupid but it really affects me. I know it's hard for you guys to understand, and I don't blame you. I cannot pick out a few things that scare me. It's everything. Even when I'm in my bed alone I get scared. I don't want you guys to look at me differently or think I'm a coward or something, but it really affects me. Honest. And I'm sorry for putting you through this. I didn't want for it to happen either and I can't control it and I..." I continued, now sobbing into Soda's chest while he attempts to comfort me. I just want to feel safe and I want to feel secure. I almost didn't notice the six pairs of eyes on me, and I was overwhelmed.

"Aww honey, it's okay. I had no idea you were suffering like this, it's not your fault, we are going to help you." Soda declared as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"Alright everyone out." Darry started.

"Wait Pone..." Darry said.

"Yea Dar?" I asked

"Do you need anything from us? I want to be there for you like I know mom and dad would've." Darry finished, with his eyes watering and a pleading look on his face. I really did admire the fact that he wanted to help me. I just wanted my family with me, and I wanted to go home.

"Darry, can we go home p-please?" I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"We can't go until you're better, I don't want this either but I just want my kid brother to be healthy." He said while hugging me and rubbing my back while Soda massaged my stomach to help ease the unbearable pain that I was too distracted to notice.

"O-okay. It hurts Darry. Real bad." I said while crying into Darry's chest. Soon I feel asleep laying in Darry's arms, and for a moment I forgot where I was and forgot how scared I was.

Darry's POV:

I looked down at Pony as he was sleeping on me. He looked so content and peaceful, but they all of a sudden he started shaking and mumbling. After a few minutes, he calmed down. I walked inside to the lady at the front desk. I knew I had to check Pony in, even if he was scared. But I also knew that I had to be strong for the rest of the gang. I was their foundation, and if I broke my facade, we'd have hit rock bottom for sure.

"Hello ma'am, my brother here is in some bad pain we need help."

"Hello sir, what type of pain is he in? I'd like to hear it from him. Also, what is his name?"

"His name is Pony Curtis. Sure, I'll wake him up just a sec."

Pony's POV:

I woke up to 6 faces staring down on me. I opened my eyes slightly, in pain. I didn't know where I was or why I was there. Hopefully someone had answers because I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what I heard next.

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked, hoping my brothers would give me an answer.

"Hey Pone, calm down we're here for you. It's the gang." Soda assured me while setting me down from Darry's arms and ruffling my hair. And then I remembered. I was at the hospital. And I was in pain. And I was scared of what was going to happen next.

"Pony, the lady wants to know what's wrong with you, can you explain your pain?"

"Yea sure. See, my lower stomach hurts real bad. It is worse when I walk, and it's kinda on and off ma'am. And also, if you push on it, it doesn't hurt while you push. It hurts after you push."

"Okay thank you son, someone will be with you in just a sec."

I looked at the guys and something was unusual about them. They had worried looks on their faces almost as if they knew exactly what was wrong with me. Before I could react, a lady with blonde hair who looked nice led me into a room.

"Ponyboy Curtis?"

"Yes?" I replied more scared than ever, I just tried to make it not show. I walked down the long hallway with my brothers at my sides keeping me from running away. If it wasn't for them I would've bolted out the door faster than you can say "Sally sold seashells by the seashore."

Inside the room, was a bed, an iv stand, a tv, and a gown for me to change into. Soda helped me put it on and we waited for the doctor to come in. We waited for what felt like days until finally a doctor came in. He started checking my weight, height, all the basics. He then started applying pressure on different areas of my stomach. Once he hit the spot, I screamed like no tomorrow. The doctor looked at me quite matter-of-factly, as if he knew the issue.

"Sir, you have appendicitis. You need to have surgery. Your surgery will take place tomorrow morning." The gang looked at me with worry. I had no idea what 'surgery' was and how it happened, but I was pretty sure that after they explained it to me, I wasn't going to be super thrilled. I was nervous just thinking about it, and I didn't even know what it was.

"W-what is that?" I asked fearfully.

"Basically we remove your appendix." The doctor said.

"L-like how?" I said, freaking out at the thought.

"Well we give you this medicine called anesthesia, and we cut you open and take it out."

"OH MY GOD YOUR GONNA CUT ME OPEN?" I said as I started sobbing. The gang was quick to comfort me.

"Calm down Pone, it's okay. You'll be alright the medicine makes you fall asleep you won't remember it or feel any pain during it, and when you wake up we will all be here waiting to take you home." Darry said calmly while attempting to soothe me.

"I h-have to go to the bathroom." I said while running into the bathroom.

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