Chapter 5

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Pony's POV:

This is something I have to do. I knew I had to tell them but it wouldn't be easy. I didn't want to see the looks on their faces when they realized what had been going on.

"S-so uhh the reason why I d-didn't w-want to go to the h-hospital and c-caused all this trouble for you g-guys is b-ecause I uhmm am terri-fied of going to doctors and h-hospitals. That's why I yelled at you Darry. And that's why I c-climbed up the tree and why I ran out and why I am t-telling you this now. I uhhh just always get panic attacks about it. It's agonizing and it feels like I am going to die right there. I feel like I can't breathe. Then comes the sh-shaking and s-sobbing. I don't really have any ways of coping with it, I j-just kind of have to let it r-run its course and take over my b-b-ody. It's the scariest thing ever and I feel ashamed of it. That's why I didn't tell you guys. I d-didn't want all the attention and worry on me. And keeping it all bottled up doesn't really h-help. I just want to be normal and f-feel okay again. P-please." I sighed knowing know everyone was going to be super worried about me and that all the eyes were going to be on me. I started crying into Soda's chest hoping he would take me away from everyone and I didn't have to worry about the gang's reactions. I didn't want all this trouble to be caused because of me.

"Pone..." was all Darry said before engulfing me in a hug.

"Pone I don't want you to feel scared or ashamed to talk to us and tell us what's wrong and what you're scared of. We are going to help you, but you have to trust us." Darry continued.

"But Darry, please don't take me there p-please." I begged like my life depended on it.

"Honey we have to. We're worried about you. You're obviously in pain. Don't worry we are going to stay with you we won't let them hurt you or do anything to you that we don't agree with." Darry said, almost with worry in his eyes.


"I promise." First came Darry.

"So do I honey." Then came Soda.

And soon all the guys were hugging me and making me feel safe in their arms. I felt so safe and secure in their arms, but I knew the moment wasn't going to last forever. Soon they take me back to the house to get the car and well, we know what happens next. The embrace ended as quickly as it had started.

"Well you already know what happens next, but don't stress too much kiddo. We'll be with you every step of the way and be your shoulder to cry on." Soda grinned as he said it.

"O-ok but I won't be happy." I said with fear in my eyes.

Darry gave me a piggyback ride on the way back to the house while everyone talked about their experiences with their fears to make me feel better about myself. I never knew Dally was so scared of thunder and that Steve was scared of spiders. I also never knew about Two-bit's fear of clowns. It made me feel better but I couldn't help but be scared. I guess the gang noticed I was tense and on edge because Soda said something next.

"Hey Pone?"

"Yea? What Soda?"

"What exactly is it that you're scared of about hospitals and doctors? Ya know, if you want to explain but you don't have to so don't feel obligated little buddy." He said while stroking my hair.

Here it is. The big question. I had a feeling someone was going to ask this, so I decided to try my best to explain.

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