Chapter 11

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Soda's POV:

I couldn't do it. Seeing my brother like that had killed me. I didn't know how Darry was so strong all the time, when so many things could've made him weak. I wanted to answer the gang's questions, it's what Pony would've wanted. So, I started confidently to explain what had happened.

"Well, when we were on the way to the room, he tried to jump out and run away. We grabbed him and put him back on the bed and tried to soothe him, but the poor kid was terrified out of his mind. So terrified, that when we got into the room, he let out a shriek in spite of himself." I was interrupted by Johnny sobbing. I knew what was going on with his family, and we wanted him to feel like he was apart of the gang. After all, he was like family to us, and he was a good friend to Pony, and kept Dally out of trouble when he could.

"Hey Johnny, it's gonna be alright. Pone will be okay. He's strong. You don't have to worry we are all here for you." I said as I went up to Johnny, who was slouched and looking into the ground and now sobbing.

"T-thanks S-oda." Johnny said while looking up at me and giving me a hug. Poor kid.

"Anyway, when we got into the room to the bed, Pony looked around at all of us with the most scared expression I've ever seen him make. He jumped up into Darry's arms and started scared-crying into his arms and begging to leave. Darry tried to assure him, and made progress. If it wasn't for Darry, we wouldn't have got gotten him on the bed. The doctors agreed to talk him through it, and he calmed down a little. They put this white stuff in his iv. We almost had him out cold. Right before they put the mask on him, he tried to run out and honestly he was considerably fast for someone under medicine that is supposed to put you in a medically induced coma. I picked him up and when I did I could tell he was getting tired. He started falling asleep and I was able to get him onto the bed where they did the mask and we had him out." I said, now almost in tears. I wished someone would be my shoulder to cry on, and then I remembered I had the gang.

Darry would comfort me.

Steve would be there with me.

Two-bit would crack jokes.

Johnny would be silently supporting me.

Dallas would help take care of Pony.

So what could I do for them? Just then my own thoughts were interrupted by Two-bit.

"That's one heck of a story to tell at his wedding." Two-bit said, and we all chuckled at his joke. I realized that it was okay if I didn't have all the answers. I just wanted to feel like I was apart of the gang, especially while Pone was get cut open as we speak. And all we did for the next 2 hours or so was sit in silence. Soon the doctor came rolling Pony's bed into our room. He looked so lifeless, but I knew he was going to be okay. I just didn't want him to be too scared when he woke up.

"Hey guys, we are going to reverse he medicine and give him air now, he should be waking up at any moment. We also wanted to let you know that everything was successful and we removed his appendix without causing any other problems." The doctor said. Me and Darry hugged each other tightly. When we were done we told the doctor thanks for helping Pony, and he stayed there to wake Pony up.

"Oh also, there's one other thing you might want to know. When patients wake up from anesthesia, especially pediatric ones, they often cry while they wake up. I assume you might've expected this, especially since I know your younger brother is pretty scared of this whole situation." The doctor said. Me and Darry exchanged looks, unprepared for what was going to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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