Chapter 2

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I crept into the hallway and tensed up, in an attempt to ease the pain because it hurt far worse when I walked. I was about to explode with fear, and I could tell that I looked it because of the guys' reactions. I knew that they were going to ask me and then if I gave away my situation, they were going to take me to the nearest hospital. I couldn't go there. I won't let them.

"Howdy Pone, somethin' wrong?" Two-bit asked. Now Two-bit's on to me too, and I haven't even eaten breakfast. Already 2 gang members have questioned me, and I wasn't itching for any more.

"Uhm uh I-I'm o-okay d-don't worry about m-me." I was growing more and more scared of the gangs reactions as I felt 6 pairs of eyes staring at me. I felt like I was going to pass out of fear and embarrassment.

"Hey Pone, c'mere a sec will ya?" Darry said.

"I g-got to go to the bathroom D-Dar."

"Okay but will ya come when your done please?"

"NO. DON'T TOUCH ME I'M FINE AND I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME NEAR ME. p-please." I ran to my room as fast as I could and shut the door and covered myself with my blankets and sobbed heavily. I just wanted two shrivel up because not only did I know that the gang was going to find out, but I knew that they were going to find out about my anxiety. I also felt like I was going to hurl my guts out, and crying was making it worse. I starting puking violently in my trash can, just as I heard a knock on my door.

"D-don't come in Darry."

"Hey Pone it's Soda are you alright?"

"I-I'm just f-fine Soda you and the gang don't have to worry." Just then I started retching like my life depended on it, and I could tell Soda heard me gagging because he burst in the door to rub my back as I vomitted into my metal trash can. I started sobbing like my life depended on it, and soon I couldn't breathe.

"Hey hey hey Pone. Look at me. It's okay you're going to get through it just breathe."

"I c-c-can't S-s-s-oda." Soda tried to comfort me but he accidentally applied pressure on my stomach. When he released his hand from my stomach, I was screaming bloody murder like I'd just witnessed a crime scene. The guys went running into my room while me and Soda exchanged looks. Darry burst into the room and I wanted to die on the floor right then and there. At least the rest of the gang stayed at the doorway with worried looks on their faces.

"Hey Pony is everything okay?" It was Darry. I knew he was going to find out so before I could react, I opened my window and flew out before Soda or any of the gang could stop me. I had to go before they got to me.

ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴘᴀɴɪᴄ (Ponyboy Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora