Chapter 8

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Pony's POV:

As we walked back inside the hospital, the front desk lady gave me a smile and a wave. I think she understood why I ran, and I think that's why she wanted to be a front desk lady. I think she suffered quietly for so long that she decided to conquer her fear and do this job to show others that. I don't think I'd ever conquer my fear. I'm not giving in without a fight. I honestly wish I could, but I am too scared to give in. My body won't let me. We got settled back into our room.

"Nice game of tag you started there huh Pone?" Two-bit said in an attempt to lighten the mood. He only earned light chuckles from the gang.

I glared at him and the smile disappeared from his face. I sat back down on the bed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down before I started hyperventilating. Suddenly, a doctor walked into my room.

"Hey uhh we are going to start an IV so we can monitor your vitals and give you medicine." The doctor said as I looked at him in disbelief.

"Y-you mean that anastasia stuff?" I said while exchanging glances with Soda and Darry.

"No just pain medication." The doctor said as he started to set stuff up. Suddenly, I felt a wave of panic rush over me and before I could react, I started squirming. Kicking. Sobbing. Trying to get away from that guy and the pointy thing he had in his hand. I knew he was going to stab me with it, and I didn't trust him.

"Pone stop fighting your okay." Darry said while Soda tried to calm me down and rubbed my hair.

"Hey it's just me Soda, you're okay. Don't worry all you have to do is just calm down. It's just a pinch and then it goes away." Soda said. And I almost trusted him. For a minute I did. And then Johnny looked away. He hid in Dally's chest. He couldn't watch me be in pain. I almost gave in. But my body wouldn't let me. I squirmed and kicked harder. The guys looked at each other and then back at the doctor.

"Hey guys, you gotta help us hold Pony down he won't stop squirming." Soda said quickly as the guys ran over to me trying desperately to hold me down so that I'd stop. I knew that I wanted to stop. Deep down inside of me. But I couldn't. Not even if I tried. I started scared-crying as the guys got me down enough so that the doctor could put in the iv.

I started screaming and flinching and sobbing and before I knew it the doctor guy was gone and the iv was in my arm. The guys took their grip off me as I looked at the iv sticking into my arm. I quickly covered myself in the blanket I had and started whimpering. I was a coward and the guys would never look at me the same way.

"Hey Pone. It's okay. We aren't mad at you. It's over now. Your okay. We are all here for you. You don't have to hide from us we aren't going to punish you." Soda said as he sat on the bed next to me. Darry followed and he and Soda comforted me. I zoned out for a bit, feeling fingers caressing my face, hands rubbing my back and my hair. Voices whispering to me. I felt safe knowing the gang was okay with me and that they weren't going to let anything bad happen to me. I suddenly had the urge to ask what time it was.

"Hey Soda? What time is it?" I asked while looking at Soda.

"It's late Pone. You should get some sleep." Soda said while looking at me.

"B-but I don't want to sleep. I'm scared they'll give me that stuff while I'm sleeping and I'll be defenseless." I said, knowing that if I aloud myself to relax, that's when those people would strike. All of a sudden a doctor burst into my room.

"Yea so uhm he's at risk of his appendix bursting and since we have a doctor here, we are going to do the surgery now. He's allowed to have two people in the room with him when we give him the anesthesia. I'll give y'all a minute to decide who's going to go while I prep the room and get the other doctors." The doctor said. It didn't sound real. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. I was so calm a few seconds ago, and now I was about to go headfirst into my execution? Not a chance.

Darry and Soda both exchanged looks as if they knew what was on my mind. They came over to me and tried to comfort me. I wasn't having it. Deep down I knew they were only doing this because if they didn't, I'd make a run for it.

"Hey Pone. Me and Darry are going to go in with you. We will be there every step of the way. And I am sure the doctors will explain everything when you get in there. Don't stress too much. You're a good kid, and you are going to get through this." Soda assured me. I knew he was going to try to calm me down. At least when this was all over, I wouldn't have so many eyes on me and everyone hugging me and comforting me. I honestly might miss it a little bit. The last time we really embraced and helped each other was when mom and dad died. I wanted to feel close to my brothers. And besides, I have separation anxiety. I realized it had gotten a lot worse after social services stepped into my life months ago. Soda and Darry were the only ones who could calm me down. And Johnny, but he wasn't always there. It wasn't that he didn't want to be, it was just that he couldn't be. He had abusive parents and they always abused him. I knew that things weren't going to get any better for Johnny.

Just a quickly as the doctor had left, he came. Darry and Soda both stepped forward ready to go in with me. He gave Darry and Soda these paper suits to put on so that this new room they were taking me too stayed clean. All of a sudden these doctors were rolling my bed and my iv. Darry and Soda were holding my hands as I jumped up from the bed trying to run. Darry and Soda quickly stopped me and put me back on the bed. They didn't say anything, they didn't need to. We walked up to this room and when the doors opened, I shrieked in spite of myself.

I looked around and I saw a tv, a bunch of doctors smiling and waving. When I looked around the room, I saw a bunch of screws and knifes and machines and equipment and I saw a 'bed' which was really just a table looking thing with a pillow and some blankets. I jumped into Darry's arms and started sobbing.

"I don't wanna do this Darry. P-please don't let them. I beg you. I don't want to leave you guys." I said, begging and pleading like my life depended on it.

"Hey Pone, it's okay. I know you don't want to do this but it'll make you healthy. Can you please lay on the bed? Me and Soda will be with you the whole time. And when we're done, we can go home and eat all of your favorite foods and watch movies all day." I knew if I laid down it was all over, but I wanted to trust my brother. I crept over to the bed and sat down on it. I looked at the doctors while Darry and Soda held my hand.

"W-what are you going to do?" I asked one of the doctors.

"All you have to do is breathe into the mask and when you wake up, you can be with your brothers again. Sound good?" The doctor asked me.

"Will you talk me through it?" I asked.

"Every step of it." The doctor declared.

The doctor began talking to me and stuck this white stuff in my iv. I decided that I had no idea why I'd trusted them. I didn't want this. Just as the doctor went to put the mask over my face, I grabbed the iv stand and ran to the door. The iv stand was slowing me down, but I was still considerably fast. I was almost home free when I suddenly got really tired. Soda picked me up and rubbed my stomach.

"No...... Soda........ I don't want to please........" I said yawningly and getting tired.

"Don't fight it Pone you got this we love you." Soda said putting me on the bed. Before I could react, a mask was over my face.

" you guys." I said, in a whisper. And with that. I knew no more. My eyes closed slightly and I could feel them rolling in the back of my head as I relaxed. It was almost peaceful, but I didn't know if I wanted it to be.

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