not an update

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I'm sorry.. I didn't complete the next chapter..

As I pick up my phone to write this chapter I get a notification from twitter…

As I pick up my phone to write this chapter I get a notification from twitter…

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And I was stuck for a moment… I cried a lot and I don't even know why. I know he wants to focus on his music career but still some how some parts of mine hurt to hear the news.. And I can't just fully accept the fact... But still I'm gonna support his decision..

If he stays active in acting and music it will be tiring..he will be stressed and tired...and we know he is not a super human to shoulder so much pressure...and his  schedule gonna suck for sure. .. so its better to choose...but still he gonna shoot Wuju bakery (Jeff and Barcode).. And I'm happy for that..

And about biblejeff ...don't worry...maybe we won't get any of their moment's but we know how much they cared for each other... And how much they love each other....and also let's not forget Roseanne is with Bible is going to see his baby (both 😉)

Wish you all the best Jeff Satur🖤

Wish you all the best Jeff Satur🖤

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 Once more

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Once more.. I'm so sorry.. I don't know when I'm gonna upload.. But give me sometime.. Let me process everything  back... I completely forgot about everything... But I promise within next week  I'm gonna upload ( I mean within 5th march) please wait for me... I'm sorry 🤧

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