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Life can be so unfair. But at the same time, how do we really know if it's truly unfair or what we deem as unfair? Maybe I deserve the bruises I get from my boyfriend every night. Maybe I'm not good enough to sing to other people.

My boyfriend is the one who's life is unfair. His name is Andrew and he's had a rough life. His dad was never there and his mom was a drunk who kicked him out of the house once she found out he was gay.

I met him when I was walking down the street one night. I've always been a friendly person so I waved at him and he gave me the cutest confused look I've ever seen. It was adorable.

We became close since then. He had told me everything about him and I had told him everything about me.

It was when he met my brother and his friends that he started acting differently around me. He took one look at how my brothers friends treated me and the jealousy sparked.

He had every right to take his anger out on me. I've been told many times by my parents that I'm really annoying. Plus my brothers friends support both me and Alex in being gay while Andrew lost all of his friends and family because of it.

Oh yeah! Alex is my brother. He's really nice but I don't like to tell him about my problems because then he starts to worry about me and he doesn't need that.

His friends are Reggie and Luke. Luke has always been like a big brother to me and his parents were like my own. In a way we were honorary brothers.

Reggie always made my chest feel funny. He's really goofy and fun and when I look at him I feel my mood improve. He's probably more my best friend then Alex's.

I really miss Reggie. I haven't seen him or the other two in almost a month. Andrew said we have to move because my parents would never accept me. It was pretty hard to disagree with him seeing as how they reacted to Alex coming out.

Andrew always tells me that no one else would want me and that I should be grateful he chose to put up with me.

Like for instance, I am now five minutes late on getting home with the groceries and he has to deal with that because of me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was angry; he has every right to be.

I open up the door and I am instantly proved right when I see a furious looking Andrew waiting just inside the door for me with an empty alcohol bottle in his hands.

"What the hell, Asher?!" He shouts but I don't flinch. "You we're supposed to be here five minutes ago!!!" His fist hits my face but I don't mind it. The pain distracts me from the overwhelming urge to kick my leg out or make a random noise. I'm not sure why I get these urges but I'm glad the pain suppresses it.

He hits me again and again but my strange urges overpower the pain. "Ah!" I shout, loud and short.

Well fuck.

Andrew stops hitting me. "Why the fuck are you so weird?!" He shouts as a foot makes contact with my stomach. He's never done that before; it hurts so bad.

"No one will ever love you the way that I do, freak! So you better start respecting me!" He makes one final kick to my head and I hear a loud crack before everything goes black.

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