//*Chapter Sixteen*\\

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•Asher POV•

"Have you tried looking for your parents before?" Luke asks me, trying to break the silence and I'm grateful for it.

Reggie did in fact calm down, like Luke said he would but neither of us have addressed the whole 'I love you' thing.

Eventually, without Reggie there to distract me, my thoughts were able to wander off to my parents. Since I'm dying for the second time, it wouldn't hurt to see what's become of them.

That's how Luke, Julie and I all found ourselves standing at the front of my house. It took a lot of digging but eventually we found it.

"No. I was scared to see them happy without me." I admit. "They were terrible parents but I still loved them."

"I don't know what it's like to have bad parents but I know what it's like to be a bad son." Luke says sadly. "Seeing them sad hurts just as much as seeing them happy does."

"Just take a deep breath." Julie tells me. "Luke and I will be with you the entire time." She says.

"Yeah." Luke agrees. "I was supposed to be helping Reggie and Alex book our gig at the Orpheum but this is way more important."

"More important then not vanishing from existence??" I question incredulously.

"Relax." He says. "Willie's helping them out. It'll be fine."

"Fine." I tell them. "But as soon as this is over we have to head straight back to the studio. I don't wanna miss that phone call."

"Of course." Julie reassures me. "We have no enough time."

Luke giggles. "You said we have to head straight."

Me and Julie look at him weirdly. "So?" I ask confused.

He just keeps laughing. "It's funny cause you're not straight. You are sooo gay."

I roll my eyes at him. "You are such a child."

"Hey." Julie captures my attention. "You got this."

I give her a tight smile and a hesitant nod before walking right through the door.

Waiting inside for me, are my parents, laughing and dancing around with a little girl.

I don't know if I can handle this.

I go to turn around and tell Julie and Luke that the plan is off but then the doorbell rings and the little girls eyes swing over to meet mine.

It's just a coincidence. There's no way she can se-

She waves at me. Holy shit.

I wave back hesitantly and then look towards the door to see Julie enter, with Luke in tow.

"What did you say you needed again?" My father asks.

"Yeah, umm did you happen to have a son named Asher?" Julie asks them and surprisingly, their eyes start to water.

"Y-yeah, Asher and Alex...they both died." She says, trying not to sob. This can't be real.

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