//*Chapter Nine*\\

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•Reggie POV•

I can't believe Bobby stole all of our songs.

"Bobby's house in ridiculous!" Alex exclaims. "Have you seen these platinum records??"

That catches my attention. "Platinum?!" I can't believe that jerk had a successful career off of our songs.

Luke looks down at one of the many accomplishments Bobby has, laid out across the room. "He recorded, My Name Is Luke." He says in disbelief. "My name is Luke!"

Bobby suddenly walks in with another man his age.

"It's him!" I shout as I point to Bobby. The man beside him seems quite familiar but I can't quite put my finger on how I know him.

"Hey, Carrie! I'm gonna mediate!" He shouts.

"He wears sunglasses in doors." I point out. Who does that??

"Your Uncle Andrew is here!" I freeze.


Andrew Turner.

I will kill him.

I don't wait for the boys as I follow him to the den where Carrie and Nick are sitting.

"Hey, kids. What's up?" He asks him.

"Nothing much, I just-" Carrie gets interrupted by the door bell ringing. "I'll get that." She sighs.

She moves to go to the door but I stay planted right where I am, trying to find a way to kill this son of a bitch, but then I hear a familiar voice that always gives me butterflies.

"Reggie, what the fuck are you doing here, it's not-" He stop short in his tracks as he sees the man standing ever so calmly in the den.

His face goes ashen and he starts to shake. This only fuels my rage further. How dare he hurt Asher.

I don't think. I don't stop to consider the fact that I'll just pass right through him. No, I just send my fist flying for his face.

His face whips back in pain. "Ow! What the-"

"Are you okay, Uncle Drew?" Carrie asks him in concern. "Yeah, I'm fine I just...got a weird feeling in my jaw." He mumbles, confused.

I stare open mouthed at my fist in wonder. Asher does the same. "Holy Crap, I just punched a lifer!" I exclaim in shock.

Asher runs up to me and wraps me in his arms. "I can't believe you did that for me." He mumbles into my shoulder.

I smile at him in adoration. "I'd do anything for you, Ash."

Julie suddenly 'accidentally' spills her water. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." Julie says as Carrie starts to get up to grab the towels. "No no no. I know where the towels are." Julie says before going off to find Luke and Alex, I assume.

Not even a few minutes later, Bobby comes down the stairs looking completely shaken. "I'm gonna see my therapist." He tells Carrie and Andrew, before running out the door.

I let out a huge laugh. "Holy crap, Luke and Alex must have got him good!"

Asher's still frowning though. "Let's go find them." He says, with one quick disturbed glance at Andrew.

We go outside and find that Julie is already lecturing them. "The best way to get back at Trevor, is for this band to do great, and to do great we have to play at dances, then clubs..."

"And tours." Luke finishes. "I know."

"I'll see you guys at the school." Julie tells them. "We go on at nine."

"We got it, alright?" Alex says. "Don't worry."

That seems to convince Julie because now she's walking away and Asher is following her.

I stare at Asher's retreating form until I can no longer see it and then I turn to the boys in anger. "I don't care what Julie says, I'm glad you scared Bobby, and I'm glad that I punched Andrews stupid, evil face."

"Woah, wait a second." Luke turns to me in disbelief. "You punched someone?! How the fuck did you do that??"

I shrug. "I don't know, I guess I just saw him and I saw how he made Asher feel scared and I was just so angry. Next thing I know, I was punching him."

"Wait just another second." Alex butts in. "Andrew, as in Andrew Turner?? As in Asher's Ex-Boyfriend Andrew??" Alex asks incredulously.

"That's the one." I grumble. 'The one who killed him.' I don't add.

"Man, I always hated that guy." Alex says and me and Luke nod in agreement.

"Wait so how did you hold that door, Alex?" Luke asks him.

"His ghost friend, Willie, probably taught him how." I guess. Alex confirms.

"You think he's got anymore tricks up his sleeve?" Luke asks.

Alex shrugs. "I guess we're gonna find out."

"You guys go ahead without me." I tell them. "There's something I need to do first."

They both look at each other in confusion before poofing out to go see Willy.

I pull out Asher's song book that I forgot to return to him. If Asher had written a song about Andrew, then maybe I could find a way to make him see it so he'll feel really guilty...if he even has a heart.

I look through a bunch but most of them are love songs about some boy with a leather jacket. Oh, to be that boy.

"Aha!" I shout as I stumble across one that's called Make Me Cry. I go through the words quickly and my heart melts at the pure emotion that comes off every word.

"I never needed you like I do right now
I never needed you like I do right now
I never hated you like I do right now
'Cause all you ever do is make me"

I sing the song in Asher's place, tears falling over words that cut through me like a knife.

"Gave you up 'bout twenty one times
Felt those lips tell me twenty one lies
You'll be the death of me
Sage advice
Love, lovin' you could make Jesus cry
When I hear you sayin', "Darlin', your kiss is like an antidote"
I'm fightin' like I'm all in
But you got me on the ropes
I never needed you like I do right now
I never needed you like I do right now
I never hated you like I do right now
'Cause all you ever do is make me cry."

Tears cascade down my face as I finish singing.

I will make him pay.

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