chapter 5

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Tw : mentions of things said in the last chapter.

"Jackie wake up!" Illiana exclaimed shaking the girl awake.

"Oh my god your awake , the doctors said you were most likely stressed out or somthin' ." Jackie rushed out.

"I feel fine." Illiana said stretching.

"I- you know while you were out social workers came." Jackie started to say.

"What,what did they say!" Illiama stammered.

"Don't stress yourself out, they said you could stay with me,your so called foster parents were gonna put you bsck into the system,came to visit too,but I stepped up." Jackie said as Illiana hugged her.


"Why are they here?,why is HE here?" Illiana questioned pointing a finger at the Mayans.

"Dios, niña, nos tenías asustados, Ez tuvo que evitar que Jackie se lanzara contra el obispo." Hank said to the girl.

(Christ kid you had us scared, Ez had to hold Jackie back from lunging at bishop)

"Why do you guys care." Illiana said with narrowed eyes.

"Cause we fucking do." Bishop stated.

"Fuck you asshole!" She exclaimed flipping the bird.

"Because your family,you AND Jackie,your bishops kid,
hate him for all we care,but you two are under our protection." Ez explained.

Bishop glared,it was his kid,he made the mistake of not being a decent dad,he knows he had no right to treat her like that , but to keep her safe,he had to push her away.

"What the hell do you mean "under your protection" , the hell did you do now!?" Jackie said with a growl.

"Illiana is the kid of a former king,the ex president of our charter,your my old lady,the other charters also know that Illiana lives with you,so to them she's my kid,the kid of an ex king and adopted by another." Ez said with a shrug.

"The hell do you mean adopted?" Illiana said lookking towards Jackie.

"They didn't think I could care for you alone , So Ez stepped up,the ass said he was my fiance." Jackie said.

"Ain't you an ex con that shot a cop?,also WHAT?!" Illiana said before snapping her head towards Jackie.

The group gave her strange looks.

"And yes! I did my research on you numbnuts,speaking of which, dude did you really
piss in a water fountain?" She said looking towards Creeper.

"I was drunk!" He defended himself.

"I had a friend who was more than willing to help,speaking of pack your shit,your living with me." Ez said not skipping a beat.

"The hell we are!,and don't you live in that shitty trailer?" Jackie said getting in his face.

"I got a house, not too big or small." He stated grabbing her arm,The group and the two girls walked outside,the boys getting on their motorcycles.

"Get on,Illiana can ride with Angel." Ez said hand her a helmet.

"Hell no!,Illiana don't you dare get on that ,you barely got released!" Jackie said with her best mom look,damn she sounded like her bitch of a mother.

"Please,im wearing a helmet!" Illiana begged.

"For fuc- Fine,fine you win." Jackie said snatching the helmet from Ez.

"Move,im not riding bitch." Jackie said.

Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now