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"Perfect! Can we have a touch up of his makeup. Go go now!"

Jun stayed as still as he could while they re-did his makeup.
The shoot went well. He'd be splayed across the front page of a new magazine soon.

The model who gave up school,you don't need it to succeed. Passion they had called it. They said he had passion for modelling and he'd not let anything stop it from being his top priority. Bunch of lies he thought.

After he was out of all those bright clothes he had left the shoot and he felt at peace when he was back to his black and white view of life.

He stopped by his every day coffee house. He liked that it was small and quiet. No one would ask him any questions and he wouldn't have to lie to anybody either.

The coffee was bitter,but he liked that bit about it. That was it's true state. He walked down the street and stopped when he saw a picture of himself on the front page of the magazine Youth!

He thought of purchasing a copy but then thought,what was in there that he didn't already know. Nothing in there was factual,he didn't like to lie but it was easier.

He continued his stroll,walked around aimlessly for a bit, sat at the park for a while looking at all the happy children. What he wouldn't trade for that innocence once more.

Happy couples that walked by holding hands as they laughed their problems away, hmm maybe I'm a little envious of that.

Eventually,his feet as if having a mind of their own,led his to his favorite bookstore. He smiled at the receptionist and went to his favorite section.
Oh no he wasn't here for the books,he was here for the records. Music. At least with that,he felt a tiny sliver of emotion.

He looked at all the students who were studying in there. The amount of books on each person's table was just making him sick.

"Damn,I don't miss studying,"he voiced out.

"We don't enjoy it either trust me. But it's not as bad as it looks."

Jun turned to where the voice had come from,damn this guy really gave off the preppy student vibe. From the glasses to the warm tones he was wearing and the literature book in his arm. This guy liked school,heck he enjoyed it.

"Well looks to me like you enjoy it."

"Judging books by covers already,are we?

"The book in your hand says ten underrated tips to pass Literature. Yes,yes I'm judging you."

"Or maybe I just want to pass the class and get it over with."

"I guess we'll never know."

"My name's Minghao."

"Junhui but you can call me Jun."

Minghao smiled. Jun thought it was pretty. His smile.

"Well I'm on my way out just came to grab a new record to add to my collection. "

"Ah, a musical soul..."

He wanted to see Minghao again,he just didn't know how to ask.

"I come in every Tuesday for a new record. "

"Oh wow,that's funny I study in the evenings here every Tuesday."

"I'll see you around then. "

Jun turned to walk away.

"Hey Jun? Are you a celebrity,I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. "

"Not really Minghao,I just have one of those faces."

With that he scrambled out of the bookstore. He was looking forward to next Tuesday.
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