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The past month had been busy for the pair. For Minghao his graduation was coming up. That meant extra everything. Extra credits,extra coursework and the poor boy had been working two jobs so he could earn something to foot a few of his mom's bills. Junhui had tried to tell Minghao that he could borrow from him and pay later but it hadn't exactly been fruitful.

On the other hand with fashion week a few months away Junhui was fully booked. He had shoots almost every single day. Even in the night. He hated that time of year because that was when he was the busiest. Clearly being a model was not a joke.

When Junhui finally was able to catch a break he grabbed his phone.

Infinity❤️:Hey Hao. Are you doing good baby? I was thinking maybe a date tonight? Only if your schedule agrees with it.

"Jun! Break's over. Let's get back to it everyone ."

Junhui understood why he wasn't getting an instant reply. His boyfriend was busy. He thought back to when they had just begun dating. He couldn't help but miss those days a little. That had been paradise. He understood though that these "challenges" were only to make their relationship stronger.

The shoot dragged into the evening. Junhui modelled more outfits than he could remember and by the time of release he was just about ready to pass out.

As soon as he was finished with his second job of the night,Minghao saw the message. Oh no, he'd missed this text. Had he known he would've asked someone to cover his shift for him.

Minghao hated how busy their schedules had gotten. He missed his boyfriend a lot. He'd taken a while without seeing him and that only dampened his already low moods.

He hoped it wasn't too late. He looked at the time. 9:27 pm. Junhui must have been asleep. Still it was worth a shot texting him.

Wen❤️🤗: I'm sorry love, I just saw your text. Are you still up.

Junhui's reply was almost instant and Minghao smiled.

Damn,I was just about to get into bed. Can we meet in thirty minutes maybe?

Ok. Imma get ready.

Wear something dark.

Where you taking me?

Hush my love,don't ruin the surprise.

Minghao loved surprises and it was something his boyfriend knew and used to full advantage.
Junhui picked up Minghao and although the latter tried to guess,Junhui was a hard nut to crack.

Eventually the music playing at the bowling alley betrayed Junhui's surprise.

"Bowl and Glide! I've been wanting to come for some time now! How'd you know Jun?"

"Well,as a full time boyfriend I've done my research."

Minghao pecked Junhui and dashed inside. Soon he was in bowling shoes and the two had a go at bowling. Junhui was really good at it,with Minghao being the exact opposite.

Eventually they swapped their bowling shoes for roller skates and after a few snacks they were in the skating rink. This was Minghao's time to shine. He had learned to skate at 3,so he was Junhui's guide,who had no experience at all.

As they held hands spinning in a circle,Junhui looked at Minghao laugh,all the colorful lights on his face. He loved it,they should do that sometime again.

Minghao had long stopped realizing Junhui had zoned out.

"Is everything ok Jun?"

Junhui stared at the man he loved.

"The first time I saw you Minghao,you had this artsy vibe. I brought you here because for starters I'm around lights all day because of all the photoshoots and I'm absolutely positive if we ever switched positions and you were put in front of some you'd look amazing.

So I thought this place would be perfect. It has these pretty colored lights,and you look like a beautiful art masterpiece with all the colors on you."

Minghao was a little speechless,he loved when Junhui got sentimental. He closed the distance between them.

"I love you too Junhui."

"Now can we take a picture?"

DEAR DEVOTION (A JUNHAO FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now