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Venus 5 Years Ago

The noise is what hurt me the most.

Or lack of.

I could no longer open my little window to my room and listen to the song birds or the pitter patter of rain droplets hitting the window sill. Or the way my cat would pur when she rubbed up against my bare legs. The little white kitten my mother and I had found one day in the market, I thought the kitten was being annoying and too wanting. My mother led me to believe that nothing comes into your life as a coincidence. She brought the kitten home that day with us with scraps from the local butcher. Can't say my father was too, please, but he always kneeled before my mom. He could never say no to her. Before, our home was always filled with laughter and love.

And now all there is is silence.

When Loki took me from my broken home, he brought me to a secret room they had built with a staircase leading to his master bedroom. There was no way for me to escape, no windows, no openings, just a single door that led to the monster. 

I didn't make it easy for him, I kicked and clawed at him before he finally got me down there. He was not gentle about it. He threw me in and locked the door. Not coming back down for 2 days. 

All this empty room had was a glamorous bed, with forest green linen and large pillows that matched the design. The stitching on the cover was beautiful. The first night there, I would follow it with my fingertips, taking my anxiety and fear away. The swirls reminded me of how the waves would collide with the rocks, but the rock was irremovable, stable.

Just like I once was.

Now I was just the wave, crashing.

It didn't bother me that my father had turned into an alcoholic, I still loved the good memories I had of him and of my mother. I became dependable, rebuilding my childhood home.

Only for him to spit on whatever little respect I had left for him and sold me to not even the highest bidder.

But it did make me wonder.

Why Loki bought me?

Last I had heard from one of the neighbors, he was supposed to be engaged to a princess.

Maybe he would keep me until he got bored with me. 

Laying on top of the bed, I grasped my stomach as a loud gurgling noise practically shook my body. I couldn't even remember the last thing I had eaten. 


I jumped up from the bed to see Loki and two maids behind him. One of them was holding a dark, green dress with undergarments neatly folded. The other carried in a silver try, which smelled absolutely amazing.

"That will be all," Loki's clipped tone got my attention back to him, I could feel myself practically drooling from the smell of the food. 

The maids quickly laid everything out on the bed and did everything but run out of the room. The sound of the door slamming closed behind them reverberated against my heart. Now I was scared.

Loki's electric blue eyes landed on me, traveling up and down my body, no doubt disgusted by how dirty I looked. Stalking over to me, he stood only inches away from me. The energy in the room had magnified by 100.

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