Movie Night

245 20 12

Bucky Present Day

Normally, I would go out with Sam to the bar or join Steve at the gym. But it seemed like everyone was doing something, Wanda and Vision went out on their weekly date night like some old married couple. Clint invited Nat over for dinner with his family, Steve had been tied up with meetings all night with Tony and Nick Fury.

The last time I even attempted to go to the gym alone, I was bum rushed with fans confusing me for someone named Scott Lang, or 'tough' guys who would eyeball me. Thankfully, I always wore a hoodie to hide my arms, but even then, it never stopped the looks.

Slipping on a black hoodie and my comfortable sweats, I walked out into the kitchen and began to pop some popcorn. Treating myself for a night off, I walked over towards the living area and turned on the large, extravagant tv that I never got tired of watching. But what would I watch?

Fight Club?

Fast and Furious?

27 Dresses?

Ew no, that was Sam's pick.

The timer went off for the microwave, indicating the popcorn was ready, and the wonderful aroma began to fill the room. Jumping up from the couch, I walked to the kitchen, grabbing a large teal bowl from the cabinet. Popping the bag open, I dumped out the continents as I popped a few pieces into my mouth. Patience is not one of my virtues.

But when I got back to the other room, the mysterious woman was standing there, wearing a pain of navy spandex shorts and a gray cotton tee shirt. More than likely something Nat had let her borrow since they had become best friends overnight. Her long, chestnut colored hair was pulled up into a messy bun with her eyes fixated on the large screen tv.

She had a curious look on her face as she held the remote in her hand.

"Do you want to watch something?" I asked her, and the sound of my voice made her jump. But here I was trying to extend the olive branch in her direction.

Her eyes narrowed as she walked over, handing me the remote angrily, practically slapping it into my hand.

SO, let's just burn the olive branch.

Then it dawned on me. She didn't know what it was.

Lifting the bowl of popcorn to her face, I could see the corners of her small nose lifting subtly, inhaling the delicious smells coming from the bowl. Nodding with my head, I went and took a seat on the couch. From the corner of my eye, I saw her hesitate until finally she walked over and sat on the opposite side of me. I pushed the bowl of popcorn towards her. She didn't hesitate to grab a handful and begin to gobble it away.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked her gently, her hazel eyes flashed with something, nervousness?

Maybe scared?

Lifting the remote towards the TV, I began to scroll through the movies, watching to see if anything would catch her attention. I passed by all of my topic picks until I saw her eyes fixate on a movie.

Turning towards the screen, it had landed on the movie Titanic. Leonardo Dicaprio's stupid face plastered on the screen.

Of course, she would pick this one.

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