Venus Reborn

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Venus Present Day

I woke up with a large smile on my face, Bitch purring next to me, trying to cuddle with my sleeping arm. I gathered her in my arms and pressed small kisses on her pink nose.

The feel of the warm sunlight poured into Bucky's room, letting me know that I had slept in pretty late. But on the other hand, what was I going to wake up for.

Something about this feeling about being happy was so familiar. The way it seemed to spread a warm feeling throughout my body, warming my frozen heart. Looking up, I caught my reflection in the mirror, the smile disappeared quickly off my face.

Standing up from the bed, leaving a very confused kitty-cat on the bed, I walked over to the mirror. It had been so long since I had seen myself. No longer the smiling carefree girl. I had bags under my eyes, my hair had grown out so long, it hung down my lower back. My eyes didn't sparkle the way they used to, now dull and plain. But I had no wrinkles yet.

How could I when he took my smile?

Touching the small moon crest scar I had at the bottom of my right cheek, all these memories began to run through my head.


Loki grasping my hair with his hands, he threw me against the wall, hitting the corner of the end table. He split my cheek open, blood began to trickle out.

Loki looked at me in horror, his eyes agape and his hands shaking.

"Look what you made me do!"

Trying to crawl away from him, he grabbed me again by my hair and pulled me up, the pain scorching through my body. Wanting to scream out in pain but I couldn't.

I snapped back to present time, looking in the mirror, my eyes were watering and I hadn't noticed my hand was cupping a handful of hair. My breathing was shaky and erratic.

Without hesitating, my fist came crashing into the mirror, completely shattering it. Bitch screeched in surprise and ran off the bed.

Gasping, I fell to the floor, my hands hovering over the broken pieces.

A small knock came from the door and Nat poked her head in. When she saw me kneeling on the floor next to the broken mirror, she walked in and kneeled down next to me. She lifted her hands and began to sign.

Are you okay?

Giving her a small fake smile, I nodded my head.

I'm fine, just didn't like what I saw.

Nat gave me a tight pressed smile, standing up from the ground, she reached a hand out towards me.

"Let's go shopping," her delicate voice broke the silence, I felt a large smile spread across my face as I nodded my head eagerly.

Bucky Present Day

Sam pushed up against me, almost knocking me off my feet. When I was going to shove him back, I saw his eyes looking at my package.

"What the hell are you looking at Sam?"

"Just wanted to make sure I didn't get you excited. Steve told me about your 'little' problem last night."

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