I'm Sorry

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Venus 18 Months Ago

There was something about Loki that made no sense. One moment, he was angry and violent, and the next was very sweet and compassionate.

He was my Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 

He scared me and thrilled me all at once. 

Earlier that night, he had brought down dinner himself, no maids or servants.

Carrying the large sterling silver platter himself with one hand and holding a large, coal colored wine bottle in the other, he set down the food on my bed. 

I closed the book, and he had bought me to learn sign language, slipping a dried daisy in between the pages. One of the servants' sons had brought me the flower one day when he had seen I had been crying. He caught me completely off guard because none of the help from the royal palace had ever spoken to me. Only to bring me the necessities of a prisoner in a gold cage. 

I mouthed the words thank you to him, he blushed giving me a shy smile, then he ran off with his mother, she was waiting for him by the door. She held up her index finger to her lips, giving me the silent gesture.

I already knew what she meant.

They could get in trouble, or I could get in trouble with Loki.

Setting the book on the edge of the bed right next to my thigh. I sat next to the tray, the only thing that was separating me and Loki.

Loki had on a simple long sleeve shirt with his black leather pants. He was practically the King of Leather.

Laughing at my own silly thought, Loki looked at me with loving eyes and gave me a sincere smile. He lifted his hands and began to sign.

What's so funny?

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head, responding to his question. 

Nothing, just silly thoughts. Food?

Loki's smile spread from ear to ear as he flashed me his perfect teeth.

Your favorite's. 

Loki lifted the lid and exposed a meat and cheese board, flourished with slices of strawberries, pears, and peach. I felt the smile grow on my face as I grabbed a piece of cheese and strawberry and popped it into my mouth.

Obviously, it wasn't the most lavish meal, but it reminded me when I was little with my mom that we would go on these spontaneous picnics together. Most of the time, when we didn't have money, she would only pack fruits, cheese, and meat.

And I have no idea how Loki knew, but he knew it made me happy. 

Loki pulled two wine glasses out of thin air and showed off. Popping the cork off the wine bottle, he poured the dark liquid into the glasses.  Reaching for my hand, I flinched by how cold his hand was, I still never fully got used to it. He placed the wine glass in my hand.

He watched me intently as I took a rather large sip.

"Don't drink it too quickly. You still have an empty stomach love."

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