Demons Unleashed

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Venus 4 Years Ago

I was going to die here.

Even though Loki had me dressed well and fed, I was unhappy. 

What's the point in living in a gold cage if it's still a cage?

Staring at my half eaten steak with little specs of brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes on the plate, I was eyeing the steak knife pretty heavily. 

The way the metal shined kept tempting me.

What did I have to live for anymore?

My mother was gone.

Father was an asshole. 

No man would ever want me again.

Loki ruined me. 

Stretching out my trembling hand, I gripped the knife and lifted it, examining the sharp edges.

What did I have to live for?

Taking it into a firm grasp, I dragged the knife across my left wrist, the sharp edges made it messy and ineffective. Biting my lip through the pain, I began to cut through my skin until the warm blood began to travel down my arm and hit the bedding and my legs. Even though I was in a tremendous amount of pain, I was smiling. My hand began to shake, causing me to drop the bloody knife on the bed. 

My body fell limp back against the bed, my eyes began to flutter as my heart no longer felt heavy. 

I swore I heard a door open and slam shut, but then there was silence. 

A few seconds ticked by when I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my thigh. My body jerked up like the dead, only to be met by a furious Loki. His eyes were dilated to the point that they were pitch black, the muscle in his jaw was ticking as he grit his teeth in anger. 

"What the fuck have you done?!"

Before I got the chance to answer, Loki lifted me off the bed, his large hand wrapped around my delicate throat. My vision began to blur once again with the pressure he had on me, I couldn't breathe.

This was much scarier. 

"Loki.....please..." my breathing came out strangled and short. He dropped me to the ground, choking as I tried to take deep breaths, Loki bent over as he got to eye level with me. 


Loki grasping my hair with his hands,pulling me up from the floor, he threw me against the wall, hitting the corner of the end table. He split my cheek open, pain burst through my entire face, I could feel the blood began to trickle out.

Screaming out in pain, I began to cry and I wanted to scream for mercy, but I couldn't. Because the man known as the devil took my voice. 

Loki looked at me in horror, his eyes agape and his hands shaking.

"Look what you made me do!"

Trying to crawl away from him, he grabbed me again by my hair and pulled me up, the pain scorching through my body. Wanting to scream out in pain but I couldn't.

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