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Welcome to chapter 1, Lovelies! This is prolly gonna be a short chapter because its late over in America lmao. Im not sure how often this book is gonna get updated, but make sure to check when you login to wattpad. Please make sure to support me!! Ty <3 <3

The Jung House

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The Jung House

Wooyoung POV:

It was a usual day. Nothing in particular was going on. I was sitting on my bed, minding my own god damn business when my dumbass of a mother stormed in. "Wooyoung, sweetie! Can i come in?" She asked. I didnt even get to fucking breathe as she just about knocked my fucking door over. "What the fuck is the point of having a door if all your gonna do is come in without my damn permission?" i scoffed. "Watch your language, young man. Im the one who allows you to have this door in the first place." She puts her hands on her hips. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "What do you even want?" I sat up. 

"Well, I just came to tell you that my fiance is moving in today to stay with us from now on." She said. "Wait. Fiance?" i asked. "Oh...I didnt tell you? Im getting remarried. Hows that for a change?" she chuckled. "It'll be good to have someone other than just you in the house. But um...When?!" I asked. "In about 3 hours. He's on the road now. And i expect you to be outside helping him when he gets here." she replied. "Ok. What the actual hell. Im your son. You should have told me that you were getting remarried. I should have at least got like...a 2-3 months heads up from you!" I huffed. "Well im sorry! How was i supposed to tell you when all you ever do is shut me out?!" She walked to my door, standing in the doorway. 

I stood up and walked to my door. "You know EXACTLY why i always shut you out! Your so fucking unreliable to talk to, and not to mention you always come barging into my fucking room out of nowhere, not respecting my privacy, and bothering me with shit to do, even though you can clearly fucking see that im busy. Before you want to talk to me about shutting you out, fix yourself first!" I shot at her, and slammed the door, locking it. "WOOYOUNG! JUNG WOOYOUNG!!!! OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, hitting the door repeatedly with her fist. 

I put in my airpods and pulled up my spotify playlist. The first song that came up was Blessed-Cursed by Enhypen. I could still hear my mom yelling through the door, so i put it up to full volume, and ignored her. After sulking on my bed for an hour, the songs speeding by on my playlist, i stood up to organize my room. I went to my closet and pulled the pile of clothes out from the floor and onto my bed. I grabbed different hangers for the various items, and started hanging them up. "Shit. I didnt realize half of my clothing was gone cause it was all on the floor" i smiled to myself.

In the corner was a box labeled as 'Dads Clothes'. I took them out and sniffed them. I could still smell his scent on it. Even after all these 5 years. I took my favorite shirt out that he used to wear, and held it close to me. Before i knew it, i was crying. And i couldnt stop. "Why did you have to go?" i mumbled over and over to myself. After a good 5 minutes of crying, i wiped my tears as i gathered all his stuff. I walked to the bathroom across the hall, and threw them all in the trash. "Its best for you to move on, Woo. He's never coming back." i said to myself. 

I walked back to my room, and continued working through the mess of clothes i had piled on my bed. "I dont think i ever need to go shopping again with all these goods on the ground" I laughed. Just as i finished, i heard a car pull up in the driveway, and the front door open and close, signaling that my mom went outside. I could tell that this person was rich. He was driving a Mercedes Maybach Exelero. "This fucker better come into this house grateful and not like some spoiled fucking brat, or else imma screw a bitch's relationship up." I scoffed as i walked downstairs to the lower level. 

Approaching the front door, i put on my best respectful face and attitude. "Dont be a bitch, Wooyoung. Lets just hope its only temporarily." I told myself. I opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. I walked a little closer and stopped about 15 feet away from the car. The man got out of the car, revealing an attractive man, with a sharp jawline and smooth, black hair. He had Fox like eyes. "Jongcheol! You made it!" They greeted each other and started kissing. I was starting to get disgusted, so i cleared my throat. They jumped away from each other. "Ah! You must be Wungyul! Im your stepfather, Jongcheol. But please, call me dad." He said, holding out his hand.

I was not boutta take his rich ass hand, until i remembered that i had to make a good impression. "Uh. Its Wooyoung. Nice to meet you, Jongcheol." I shook his hand. He smiled a little, probably noticing me not calling him dad. "Do you need help unpacking?" My mom asked. "Yes! That would be wonderful! San!!" Jongcheol called out. Just then, the passenger door opened, and a tall guy stepped out, with black hair, perfect skin, black eyes, and a perfect muscular body.

 Just then, the passenger door opened, and a tall guy stepped out, with black hair, perfect skin, black eyes, and a perfect muscular body

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"Who the fuck is that" I muttered. He's fine as fuck, not gonna lie. I looked at Jongcheol, and looked back at him. Same eye shape, same nose, same chin...wait- "Babe. Wungyul. This is my son, Choi San." Jongcheol said. OH HELL NAWWWWW. Why the fuck did my mom never tell me about having a fucking stepbrother?! I was fine with having a stepdad, but a stepbrother? Fuck that shit. Noooo thank you. "Hello San. My name is Jung Yumi, but you may call me mom, if you'd like." She said. I scoffed, crossing my arms. San looked at me, and scanned me from head to toe. 

"And whats your name?" He smirked. I flushed all that respect down the fucking drain as soon as he stepped out that damn car. "That's none of your fucking business, bitch." I looked him up and down in disgust and stormed in the house, my mom yelling after me. I stormed up to my room and slammed the door, throwing myself on my bed, blasting the rest of my spotify music through my airpods. If im ever going to survive, im gonna need to listen to my music, so i dont fuck something up.










End of chapter 1! How do you think it was? Did you enjoy?

Dont be a silent reader. Let me know what you think through those comments!!!

See you in the next chapter, lovelies!

-Lili 🐑

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