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Wooyoungs Pov

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Wooyoungs Pov

I was laying on my bed reading, when my book was pushed out of my hands, and i was dragged off my bed. "Mom!!! Go away! Wh-" She took my airpods out and threw them on my bed. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT YOUR STEPFATHER AND STEPBROTHER LIKE THAT?! YOU DISGRACEFUL LITTLE BRAT! I CANT BELIEVE I EVEN RAISED A KID LIKE YOU!" she yelled. I was about to get back on my bed without putting up a fight, but i saw San standing at the end of the hallway, listening to the conversation. "I can treat them any way i want! I dont fucking want a dumb-ass step brother! He can go burn in hell for all i care!!" i said. 

"I dont care if you dont want a stepbrother! San is here with his dad, so he is your stepbrother! There's NOTHING you can do to change that!" she replied. "Well it would've been SO much better if they both just died on the way here!!!" I said. Before i knew it, my mom slapped me hard across my face. And i never get slapped. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!" I screamed. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU-" "GET OUT OF MY ROOM RIGHT NOW! I FUCKING HATE YOU! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!" I screamed as i was walking towards her. She slowly backed up as i got closer to her. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND STAY OUT!!!" I screamed, and slammed the door in her face.

I let out a loud frustrated scream, grabbing my hair in aggravation. I went back to my bed, and put my airpods in the case. After putting my book back on the bookshelf, i went to the doors leading to my balcony. Opening them, i stepped out onto the balcony, closed the doors, and stood on top of the ledge. I turned, and walked carefully across, until i came to the beginning of the roof. I jumped onto it, and walked up the roof. I sat down, and looked into the distance. The sun was starting to set, and i could see the little individual stars starting to shine. I sighed as i took a deep breath, trying to block out the anger that was literally seeping through  my pores. I began my evening routine. 

"Hey dad. Its me again. Today was a rough day. Not that good. Im gonna tell you all about it. Mom is getting remarried. She didnt tell me that. And she didnt tell me that he was moving in TODAY and have a fucking stepson with him. I dont even like him. His name is San. Even though i dont know him, his energy just bothers me. He walked out of the car acting like he was all high and mighty and shit. You know that i've always loved being the only child. Me and mom's relationship is getting worse. It fell apart as soon as you died. You were the piece that held us together, and now your gone. And now our relationship is even MORE fucked up than it already was, because of 2 new fucking people in the house. I dont even give a shit about Jongcheol, but its San that bother me. I cant imagine having to be in the same house and living with another dude. It pisses me off. I-" My phone alarm goes off, telling me that its time for dinner. "I hope your doing alright in heaven. Its hard without you being here with me. Everyday without you is a constant struggle. I love you forever. No matter what, no matter where." I sighed as i finished.

I hopped down of the roof onto the balcony, and walked back inside my room. I grabbed my phone, shoving it in my pocket. I walked to my door and opened it, about to step out. I looked up and stopped, seeing San, leaning in the doorway. "What the fuck do you want?" I rolled my eyes. "You have quite a mouth, Wooyoung." He said, walking towards me, making me walk backwards. "I cant believe no one has ever taught you how to behave and be fucking respectful to your elders." He said. "Yeah? And? So what?" I smirked. My back hit the wall, and San walked closer to me, trapping me. He stared at me, and i felt like his black eyes were piercing right through my soul. I shoved him away. "Get the hell out of my room" i crossed my arms. He turned and walked to my door, but just stood there, facing me. "What the fuck are you even doing here? Leave!" I ordered. "Hmmm. Mom says dinners ready" San smirked.

"Dont fucking call her mom. Shes MY mom, not yours." i growled. "Well, you certainly werent acting like it when you were being a bitch to her. You should fix your attitude." He said. I walked past him and out into the hall near the top of the stairs. "You dont come into my house and tell me what to do. Got it?" I stormed downstairs and sat at the table, ignoring my moms glare and Jongcheols existence. San came to the table, and sat across from me. "So-" I cut my mom off by standing up and going to the counter where the food was. "Wooyoung. Will you bring the food over to the table please?" She asked. I grabbed my plate and served my food, then went back to my seat. 

I took a few bites, when i realized all eyes were staring at me. "What?!" I asked. "I asked you to bring the food over here!" My mom said. "Too bad! Get it yourself." I rolled my eyes as they all stood up and went to the counter. San scoffed as he walked by me. You got a problem, bitch? Go fucking drown in the damn pool! I thought to myself. After a few seconds, Jongcheol came to the table, followed by my mom and San. I started picking over the food, as i heard the chopsticks hit the glass plates. This just reminded me of how my dad used to be with us. Now there were 2 invaders in his place.

"Thank you for the food, babe! Its really good!" Jongcheol said. "Yes! Thank you, Mom" San said. "You're both very welcome." She said. After a few seconds i could feel their eyes on me. I looked up. "What? Dont expect a thank you from me. She cooks the same basic shit every fucking day" I scoffed. "Thats it. What the hell is wrong with you? First-" I cut her off. "Im not in the mood for this." I stood up from the table and walked upstairs into my bedroom locking the door.

All of this happy cheery family shit is just reminding me of you, dad. And im sick of it.






End of Chapter 2! How did you guys like it? I hope it was good! 

Any suggestions for the next chapter?

Dont be a silent reader! Let me know what you think in the comments!


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