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                                                                                        i am afraid

i told you once:

i am not who i was

two, three years ago.

although i have grown,

there are days

when i am who i was...

a person of doubt

and hopelessness.

a pessimist

wanting to discard a dream,

because in the moment,

i am allowing

my thoughts to run free

and get the best of me.

you could not know this part of me.

i am causing you to doubt as well now.

i assure you yet again:

i want what you want.

we will figure it out.

but you don't know

i still doubt.

but please! understand:

this matters so much to me.

you matter so much.

i sometimes wonder if

you mean too much 

for someone

i have only known for 

a couple of years now.

i don't know.

it is one of those days

and nights when

i believe

i am in love with someone

who could not love me.

i am as much of a lost cause

as you are.

but this is that part of me thinking.

you are not 

a lost cause, my dear.

i am just struggling

with myself, as i always do.

when i say

it is me, not you...

you have to believe me.

i have not lied to you.

not once.

and i do not intend 

on starting now.

i hope you would not

lie to me either.

because i need to know,

if i should go on loving you

the way i do.


i don't even know

if you love me.

have i found this

on a one-way street?

have i been right all along?

am i falling for a dream?

i know you like me.

i know what you think of me.

but do you love me?

could you be a man

and love me the way i love you?

could we love each other

the way we are meant to?


i don't just want this reunion.

i need it.

i told you:

i think i would die

a little everyday

if things remain left unsaid.

i could not live in peace

if you became

the one who got away.

if i give up tonight

like i have wanted to

all those other nights

(for no real, good reason)

i could not say

life is so good.

you don't understand.

i anticipate

the million tomorrows,

because you have been

in all my todays.

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