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                                                                            concerning father time

i lose track of time, always.

you hide the finite

in the infinite,

causing every second

i spend with you

to become never-ending.

it is a beautifully woven illusion.

because somehow

our time together ceases.

and when it does,

i am returned to

watching the clock

and counting minutes

until the next time we speak.

i look onward

to the time when

we can be together.

to the time when

we no longer have to be separate.

to the time when

everything that once saddened me

becomes a "lembrança".

a reminder of how far

we have come.

i can hardly wait.

but for you, my love,

i would wait an aeon.

time is a friend.

time is an enemy.

he slows when you are near.

he slows when you are far.

i love what he does for us,

yet i fear losing you to him.

you know,

we live in the future

and in the past,

because there is no

right here, right now.

this life is but 

a speck of time

in eternity.

it is a vapor.

God blinks

and all we know

is finished.

it is nothing to infinity.

but spending it with you

makes it something.

every moment suddenly matters.

it is as if

this twinkle of time

exists for us.

and i believe,

so long as the love

is not primarily our own,

for better or for worse...

through the multiple deaths

of who you once were...

i will love you


with no end.

straight into eternity.

and the love we will share

once in Paradise

will be better than anything

we have ever known.

it is the inevitable

i unknowingly needed.

then again,

needs are just deep wants

which we have no understanding of.

so this is what i have wanted all along.

what i have needed all along.

all this goodness

from needing and wanting.


i am undeserving.

i am but a wretched soul.

i do not deserve

to feel the way

you make me feel.

God knows

i am unworthy. 

of all of it.


and yet,

i have it all,

because i have you.

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