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i am convinced

thursday was unreal.

you should have pinched me.

i held you

as you held me.

we defied all odds

stacked against us.

we beat the stars that

refused to line.

do you understand?

thursday was one of a kind.

since when?

since when did we have

time and space in our favor?

since when could i hold your hand?

or kiss you as i so pleased?

or make up for lost time?

all these firsts seemed to be

our lasts for the time being.

every second counted.

how could we have passed up

that one in a million chance

to have our way?

what if we had stopped at "no"?

i would have died inside

had we given up.

but remember, my dear,

we said:

we won't ever give up.

no matter the distance.

no matter the situation.

no matter the obstacles

life throws our way.

i promise.

if there is a will,

there is a way.

i believe this.

and i believe,

you and i are willed

to be together.

how could we not be?

so there is a way.

there always have been.

from the day i first met you

to now...

i have known

you are mine

as i am yours.

and this is 

the principle of life.

it is written:

you and me shall be.

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