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                                                                                how much longer?

i am sorry this life 

is so hard.

i am sorry

we don't have a connection

to unexplainable wealth.

i am sorry we have to work

twice as hard just to have

a piece of peace on this earth.

i am sorry i live too far.

i am sorry i can't be there

to nurse you back to health.

i am sorry i can't

do more for you.

i am sorry i am a burden at times.

i am sorry i hold you back.

as much as i want to be

your only priority,

i know better.

we have needs.

you have yours,

and i have mine.

someday soon,

perhaps, all will be one.

it's just,

i wish i was there.

i truly believe

the issues we have today

won't be the same as tomorrow's.

our day to day complications

would be unfamiliar.

and that will be the thrill.

i would cry

because you threw a sock 

beside the bin.

not because

you are two hours ahead

and our schedules aren't 

gracious to us;

being that you are across 

state lines and i am just here.

oh, what i would give

to be an hour away.

i have convinced myself

this is how it's supposed to be!

you and i are to

struggle and suffer.

because how much more rewarding

would all that we want be?

if we know...

the amount of sweat, blood, and tears

we both sacrificed to obtain

a dream.

don't you think

the satisfaction alone

would make it all worth it?

i can only hope.

i have waited.

and i will wait.

for us.

for you and me.

but until then,

i am sorry.

i am sorry

i cry every time you 

tell me you miss me.

i am sorry 

i beg you for five more minutes

while you fight to stay awake.

i am sorry

i plan every minute of an arrival

that isn't even promised.

i am sorry

i am not so simple.

my whole word revolves around you.

my life is set on a path

to becoming yours,

until death do us part.

so when i am failing

to do what i am meant to do,

i feel so incredibly downhearted.

i hope you know,

i am going to love you

beyond your imagination.


i have to make up 

for lost time.

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