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the hands,

they never lie.

the hands are my favorite.

i love them

because i do fear them.

you can touch

but they cannot.

i would melt

into a securely

vulnerable state

as you caress;

yet ignite in fury,

if they dared

lay a finger

on the blanket 

to my soul.

the very atrocities

a man's hands can do

frighten me.

yet somehow,

i wonder in lust

what yours can do to me.

the hands which i fear,

if used for violating,

could very well be used

for exploring

and making me warm;

if i so please it.

and that flusters me. 

it leaves me mad

in a felicitous way.

that is frustration:

being in dire need

of your touch.


by the hands of man

i know

if i am hated

or if i am loved.

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