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two weeks ago

i wrote something

out of frustration.

i had no idea about

the type of week i would have.

i did not think i could do what i did.

i seized the day

and made it mine.

i took control

and did as i pleased.

as evil as it is,

i listened to that hushed voice

lingering in the corners of my mind.

the voice of the lust of life.

the urge to live.

that seductive voice which

soothes my soul.

i can compare it

to a burning flame of love.

the thing that drives one mad.

because that voice...

is consistently whispering

for me to go, to do it.

it is a daring little thing.

and so i went.

my sweet, shy self

carpe diemed.

i must confess:

it was worth all 

the words exchanged

and all the accusations.

being able to walk up

and hold you tightly,

the way i imagined,

day in and day out,

was worth all of it.

you know i risked so much.

for you.

so i will continue to say

i love you more.

(but maybe you do really).

judging from how you embraced me,

like we were trying to fuse into one.

i know you truly missed it.

the kisses were long and hard.

we were catching up. rather,

making up for lost time.

all those endless nights

we laid separate,

openly and honestly expressing

our shameful desires to be

oh so close to one another.

if only we could lace our fingers, or

smush each other's faces, or

sweetly kiss in the dark, or

become familiar with our curves and lines, or

know the rhythm of our heart beats...

if only...you get the idea.

but look,

we waited.

and waited some more...

then good things were bestowed upon us.

we were gifted time.

he was so generous this winter.

we had not one, not two, but six days.

and as much as i want to cry

and complain it was not enough.

it was more than enough.

those days were a dream.

i swear i was in a deep sleep.

because when have we ever?

when could we be together?

hand in hand.

roaming the night.

exploring not just the city of stars,

but one another.

what a time to be alive.

so here is to my wants.

to what i wrote two weeks 

before i held the world in my arms.

if only i knew...


no one could get me

what i truly want.

i want for you to see

the same moon i stand beneath

every lonely night

and the same sunsets

that paint my sky gold.

and for the time we stand in

to be the same as

what i have always known it to be.

no one could get me

the smile i wear

every time i hear your voice

or see your pretty face.

no one could get me

what you have given me

time and time again.

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