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                                                                                     to being as one

you were gentle and sweet.

so soft and thoughtful.

for once,

we could be

in this state of desire

with nothing preventing us

from going further.

finally reaching

what we have been secretly 

wanting since the beginning of us.

our heart beats were the same.

you breathed and so did i.

this rhythm,

our lifeline,

brought such awe.

i thought it would take

a lifetime of "everydays"

to experience this.

and that is when

it felt so real.

everything else mattered

(and continue to matter);

but this,

this was everything and more.

this was love

in its unbounded form.

"the indefinite

continued progress

of existence and events"

ceased at once.

everything was ours.

it is as if

the earth's motion came to a halt.

it was just you and me.

living in that particular moment,

with such a hushed tone,

we made our promise.

a vow to stay.

you were heavy

on my mind.

let me tell you:

you looked so handsome

under the dimmed light.

from boy to man.

we have come some ways.

you even said it...

i look more woman now.

we have grown up.

from kids of yesterday

to the very young adults

that we are today.

you know,

we were in need of that.

what we did after.

you laying between my legs,

and eventually,

me laying on your chest...

telling me

how beautiful i looked.

and me telling you

where we could be

someday soon.

we got comfortable

completely admiring

the atmosphere we had created.


you offered me insanity.

wonderful "insanity" only

ever desired by two who

are too madly in love.

my crazy boy,

you offer me things

far beyond us.

but i love it.

and because it is you,

i will gladly accept

this dream you want to give me.

because you, my dear, 

must really love me.

so this is loveWhere stories live. Discover now