See you later

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When I got the news that I was being deployed to England I was elated. That was until I got told that I would have to be away from my Dad and Uncle Mav for the next who knows how long.

I don't know what I'm gonna do without them being the overprotective duo. Since Rooster found out that my Dad knew that Uncle Mav pulled his papers, he's been pissed at both of them and will ignore me for a week if I bring up Uncle Mav. We still talk and are still close but not as much as before everything happened. Anyway I am getting ready to tell my mom and little siblings about me being gone for so long and the plan for holidays and such. Just want to make sure they will all know that they can still call, text, write, and or email for anything. As I'm thinking I get a text from my mom,

Mom: Hey, just got your siblings from school and got the stuff for dinner be home soon :)

Me: OK!! See ya guys in a bit :)>

About 20 minutes later

Mom and them pulled into the drive way and I got a text from Dad,

Dad: Did you tell them yet?

Me: Not yet Dad. They just got home and I don't leave for a week. Ill tell them tonight at dinner. Are you gonna make it or did Uncle Mav make someone mad again?

Dad: I'll make it, might just finish something real quick.

Dad: On my way home now

Me: See you soon :)

Mom and them come inside and the little ones squeal. I call them little ones cause Their still in primary and middle school but they take it very well. I laugh and hug them like my life depends on it. Their names are the oldest of them is 13, her name is Brianne Carole. She is my beautiful little sister. The youngest of the two is 9 and his name is Pete Ronald, he is one of the sweetest little boys and named after 2 of our Uncles.

We hug and get all of the groceries in the house and start dinner. We are doing a favorite of mine, Steak, mashed potatoes. Prepared how my grandmother used to make for my mother, the steak in a gravy of cream of mushroom soup and chicken soup.

Dad walks in and he smiles as were making dinner like we used to when we were younger.

"Hey, how's dinner comin? Huh there Speedy Snowflake." Dad said while smile his million dollar smile.

"Hey Dad, dinners almost done. Wanna help set the table while the others finish up food?" I ask

"Sure." Dad said while he and I grabbed the plates and silverware.

So, Allie how was your day? Dad asked

Dinners ready!!!! Mom and the others yelled as they came in with the food.

Ready!! Dad and I said and took our seats.

We all talk about our days and how school or work went. When I think its time to bring up what I have been dreading bringing up for the last couple of days.

So I got my orders for my next deployment. I said trying to broach the subject not really prepared for their reactions.

Oh that's great honey. Where are they sending you? Mom asked

England. I say with a small smile

How long are you gonna be gone? How are we gonna talk if your half way around the world? Brianne and Pete start asking me at the same time.

I don't know how long, and we can still talk all the time. We can write each other letters, email and if Mom and Dad are good with getting International calling and texting we can do that too. I say trying to ease their minds and make it clear that just cause Im leaving for an unknown amount of time doesnt mean that they will be able to get rid of me.

I love you guys. You cant get rid of me that easily!! I say and wink at them all with a smile.

Dinner went by without a hitch after that. We all said goodnight and went to our rooms. I was now able to get it off my chest so I felt a little better. I know my siblings and mom will have their reaction really happen tomorrow when we can talk more tomorrow.

Speedy Snowflake || Hangman Fanfic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin