Getting to know you part 2

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We started down the street, thankfully the base is only a few blocks away from the Smitten Mitten. On the way Jake and I kept talking and discovered that we are similar in some aspects. We both also have many ambitious plans for the military and for after when we retire. To settle down somewhere with family. Talk with our siblings and his nieces and nephews from his oldest sister.

"So tell me about your siblings. I feel like I know your niece and nephews from how much you keep gushing over them.." I say giggling to myself a bit. He gives me a small smile "Well I'm close with my baby sister. She's only around 5 years younger than me but she acts like she's my fuckin twin sometimes. " Jake has this fond smile on his face as he talks about his sister. He gets the little crows feet at the edges of his eyes as he smiles. "Mom would always complain about her making 'Jake comments' and we'd bust out laughing Dad, Haily, Thomas and I. You'd like her." He says smirking a bit. I nod "Ok, now what about your brother? Thomas I'm assuming is him?" I ask trying to gauge his reaction. He smiles "Well my brother I call him Tom but Mom prefers to call him Thomas. Any way so me and him get along great, we like to talk about lots of stuff like the movies we were talkin bout earlier. He's about 3 years older than me and is my best friend. He and I have plans whenever I get back from this deployment were gonna go to a Texas Cowboys game. That's our favorite team, Gotta love Texas." He says smiling a little sad and a little happy how does he do that. "I bet you miss them. I mean I miss my family and I only left them yesterday. How long have you been here? I thought everyone was just getting here this week." I ask not sure I am gonna like this answer. He seems to be so attached to his family how long has he been here? " Well I got here last month. Before that I was stationed in Texas so it was easier to go home for short periods or have my family visit but for my Gram its especially hard. I was named after my gran pa cause they though rightfully so now that we all think about it that I was gonna be just like him. He was a military man but my Dad didn't want that so he made his own stamp on the word by going into Oil." He says he has these creases in between his eyebrows again, I can tell that he's hurting cause he doesn't have the same mischievous glint in his eyes. I did that I brought this up, that's it I have to make him laugh immediately. What's the best way to do that? I see swings in a park that's just a little bit in front of us and get an idea. I grab his hand and drag him with me to swings "Where ya goin Darlin?" He asks me I look back and he has this adorable confused and amused face. "You'll see. Ready close your eyes." I say as we approach the edge of the park, he still hasn't seen the swings yet perfect. I stop walking making him stop next to me and he just looks down at out hand which causes me to smile. "Come on cowboy close your eyes" I say trying to get him to trust me. He looks at me, "Ok, but if I fall your so not gonna hear the end of it missy." He tells me while cracking a smile but closes his eyes. "Lead the way." I giggle when he says this cause its so cute how he went from basically saying 'I'm not sure about this' to 'lets go'. " Ok cowboy, walk with me now..." As we walk I'm keeping an eye on his feet so but looking up so often so that I know he isn't peeking. "..Ok almost there now there's a step up and then gonna be a drop." He picks his foot up and steps over the black border thing for the playground at the park. We are now on the woodchips. "Ok seriously can I look now? Please?" He says kinda pouting but with his eyes still closed. Yay he hasn't spoiled it for himself. " Just a few more steps. Ok now open." I say as I un-intertwine our hands so I can stand in front of him. "Tada maybe swinging like a kid will help put you back in a good mood." I smile a bit at him "I'm sorry I brought up how long you'd been here. I honestly didn't think of what the answer was gonna be but I didn't think it was gonna make you sad." I say as I give him a guilty smile as he just stares at me. I go to say something when his face goes from stunned to happy. "You really brought me to a park to cheer me up for asking a perfectly reasonable question that anyone would have asked?" He asks me looks almost amused at the fact I did that, then he starts walking toward me and the swings. I forget that I am standing Infront of the swing cause he gets so close to me, I can feel his breathe on my face he is so close. His eyes get more and more brown everytime I look in his eyes.

I finally find my ability to speak after a few minutes "Yeah, I mean most of my problems and worries go away when I'm flying and it was the same way when I was a kid and on the swing. "I say as I feel blood flush to my cheeks. I knew I was blushing and I was fully aware that he knew it to cause he smirked and reached behind me, leaning in close "Well then lets see if that still works, shall we Darlin. " He whispers in my ear. He pulls the swing behind me to me. He puts the chains in my hands and then moves out of the way, then he steps behind me "Wait, what are you doing?" I ask him suddenly missing the warmth of having him that close to me. He chuckles from behind me as I sit down on the swing and grabs the chains. "Well I think its only fair since it was the lady's idea, that the lady goes first." He says as he starts to swing be forwards and backward with me pumping my legs to get momentum so I can touch the sky with my toes. I giggle as I go backwards and he laughs as he swings me forward again. We do this pattern for a while, then he gets on his swing. "OOOOOOh lets do a competition. Lets see who can swing the highest first. What do you say lieutenant Sersin?" I ask him and he busts out laughing so hard at the fact that I just used his rank to challenge him when we are the same rank.

"Your on Lieutenant Kazansky" We both smile shit eating grins and both stop, get to a starting line. "Ready,..." "Set...." "Go!..." We say together and then we set off to see who wins.

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