Good Morning

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I wake up the next morning feeling warm and was cuddled into the side of something. Then last night comes back to me, I smile as I look up to see Jake still asleep. I look at the clock on his side of the bed and it reads 4:25 am, yay this means I have almost an hour before I should be up and dressed for work. I try to go back to sleep but can't. I decide to just lay there for a few minutes to see if sleep will hit me again, it doesn't. I look up at Jake again and study his face a bit. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping, There's not a trace of stress on his face, it almost looks like he's smiling. I wonder what he's dreaming about? I get hungry, hmmmm why don't I make breakfast since I'm up early. It'll give me something to do and bright side we can eat before we get to work, two birds one stone. I carefully shimmy out of Jake's arms and as quietly as I can make my way to his kitchen to see what he has for me to make for food for the two of us. I manage to find the stuff for eggs and pancakes. I quickly whip up the pancakes and get them started and then I start the eggs, its now around 5 am. I hear his alarm start to go off and him hit stop on it.

"Allie?" I hear him shout as he doesn't feel or see me next to him. I was getting ready to shout that I was in the kitchen when he comes stumbling in and stops in the doorway, leaning on the door frame.. "You know I could get used to this." He says as he sees me in nothing but my underwear and his shirt. We both know that we didn't do anything but kiss last night but seeing his bed head and his bare chest with his sleep pants hung low on his waist I can't help but agree with him. I could get used to this to. "Hmmmm, really." I hum as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "Yeah really.." he says with a very sassy tone for 5 am. "But I do have one request for next time..." He says so cocky that there's gonna be a next time so "Oh there's gonna be a next time is there?" I playfully ask him while leaning my head to the side and back into his chest sighing in contentment. "Oh definitely, I don't care if its the funny business type a thing or not but Darlin I do have that one request for next time." He says as he turns me in his arms to face him. "And what's that cowboy?" I ask him once again my arms finding the back of his neck and playing with the hairs at the base of his neck. He hums and leans in close to my ear, " I wanna wake up next to you." He says in a very sexy, rough morning voice.

I hum in response to that with a small smile on my face. I breathe in deep and sigh," That sounds nice." I whisper as he gets closer to my face and gives me a kiss. "Want your breakfast? I made pancakes and eggs." I whisper to him as were standing there in his arms. "Sure. Thank you." He says in an equally quiet whisper. We pull away and start to eat or breakfast and get ready for the day.

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On the way to work

Jake and I agreed that until I know where exactly I'm going on the base for work and such he and I will just go together to work. Uncle Slider texted me this morning while we were having breakfast saying that he still had my stuff and that he was gonna drop it off at my place this afternoon after work. We jam out to music and get to know each others music tastes as we go from his place to the building where we are gonna work from for the next who knows how long. "Ready?" Jake says as we pull into his spot in the parking lot. "Born ready." I say smiling big at him, This is something that I have been working towards since I was a kid, and when I first went into the Navy I've been working towards, well this and Top Gun but hey one of the best things in the world. Working with different pilots in the world not just the US pilots, its interesting. He leans in a kisses me once before we get out and walk in side by side but also putting a bit of distance between us.

Uncle Slider is in the room where we all are gonna meet and discuss work. He sees us come in and smiles at me. "I'm glad to see that your still here and standing." He says laughing a bit, "What do you mean still standing?" I say slightly offended at him thinking that I wouldn't be able to stand. That's just armature hour things to do. He busts out laughing "Not you Snowflake, I was talking to Hangman here." He says pointing in Hangman's direction. Jake doesn't miss a beat, "Well it was a little hard but with a little help," Jake winks in my direction. "It went away. Maybe later I'll need a bit more help. Whatcha think Darlin? Think we can swing that?" He asks as he looks at me and smirks. "I never want to hear that shit again!!" Uncle Slider starts yelling.

The others start showing up and we got started on work. Jake and I sat with him in the seat behind me. I was facing forward but would still feel his gaze often during the entire time. Sometimes I would turn a bit and smile at him a bit.

Speedy Snowflake || Hangman Fanfic Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora