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Jake dropped me off in my dorm room. They have me set up in here until they have living ready for me or I set up my own housing. "Well Darlin. I'd say this has been a pretty eventful evening. From meeting in the bar to swinging like kids." He said laughing, we had held hands on the way to the dorm. He was so smooth about it that it had me giggling. We had decided that since it was getting late that we should head to bed for work tomorrow. He stood up before I had the chance to cause I was still looking up at the sky. It's so beautiful here. By the time I look down Infront of me Jake's just standing there and smiling at me with that glint in his eyes that I missed since he got sad. Yay my plan worked. I smile up at him as we walk to my place and when I give him the address his eyes sparkle and he gives me the cockiest and most shit eating grin ever. "No way, this is to good to be true." He says shaking his head. "What is?" I ask him chuckling a little under my breathe. What else could happen tonight that could top anything that has already happened.

"I live in the building next door. In the dorms until they figure out my housing." He smirks as I give him a stunned look. I can't believe it. Jake and I just look at each other and start laughing. We finally compose ourselves.

"Of course you do." I say as I look at him, we smirk at each other. We kept walking and are now at my door. Uncle Slider evidently still had my bags, how could I forget to grab them. "Damn it.." I say as I remember this. "What?" He asks with a little concern on his face. "I completely forgot that my bags with my stuff are still with my Uncle." I face palm with one hand, the one that Jake's not holding. I laugh at how crazy I must look to him after all of this tonight. He just starts laughing "Well you should have had a uniform dropped off for tomorrow so you should just need clothes for tonight right?" He says to me smirking slightly, only a little cocky. I think about it for a minute "Yeah I guess. Why?" I say when his smirk turns into a cocky grin. " Well then Darlin why don't you just borrow one of my T-shirts and if needed gym shorts to sleep in tonight and then get your clothes from him tomorrow?" He asks me as if it was the most obvious of solutions. I giggle a bit when I realize that it probably was the only solution other than walking all the way back to my Uncle and hope that he hasn't left yet. So I look up at Jake "Well then, If you wouldn't mind.." I didn't even have to finish my sentence before he starts to walk to his room dragging me with him by our still intertwined hands. I start laughing. " Would you wait up? Not all of us have long ass legs!!!" I say as he turns around still walking Mach 2 and just smiles "Well not all of us have short ass legs either!!!" He yells at right back at me. We finally get to the door to his room and I playfully glare at him, "That was not fair!!!!" He starts to laugh at me as he pulls out the key and unlocks the door for us to go in.

It doesn't look like I was expecting it to look. It was like everything had its place. There was a hallway and a few doors. One went to the bathroom, one went to the bed room and I don't know where the third and final door went but I think it went to the kitchen. It looked nice just a few homey touches here and there nothing to extravagant since I bet he's waiting until he gets a more semi permanent place or goes home to Texas. I don't get to look at everything for long since he's still pulling me to the bed room for the clothes I'm going to borrow for the night. I'll give them back the moment I have them clean and have my clothes. "Well this is my humble abode." He says as he releases my hand and I have to stop myself from pouting. Seriously what was this man doing to me. He puts his hands up like in the Tada gesture and I giggle at the ridiculousness of that action, he smiles and gestures to the bed, "You can sit there while I collect the clothes or you can go through em and pick them out yourself if you would rather." He said as cocky as his words were and his smile was turning I could see through it he was nervous, Why though is my only question. I decide to see how good his clothing choices are and tell him "How about you pick and we'll see how you do." I tell him with a very cheeky grin. I gesture to his closet and dresser from my spot on his bed. Its so weird how comfortable I feel around him already. I sit back on my hands and cross my legs, chris cross applesauce. I just sit there smiling and watching him look through his clothes. I watch how he eyes a shirt before shaking his head, as if to say not good enough' or something. I saw how his broad shoulders would flex as his arms would reach for the next shirt, his back muscles also flexing showing how much muscle was under the shirt he was wearing. God he looks so good in that shirt.

Speedy Snowflake || Hangman Fanfic Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon