First Day

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After we were all dismissed Jake and everyone came up to me to introduce themselves and meet 'Iceman's daughter'. Well at least the American pilots were only interested in 'Iceman's daughter', the UK pilots were much more interested in me as me and me as a pilot not who my Dad is. Jake is hanging back so that I can meet some other people, and I did I met Sean, Henry, Frank and Marvin. They are all very sweet. Frank is the oldest of the group of the six of us and married with one kid. Marvin is the second oldest of the group and married but no kids as if yet. Sean and Henry are similar to my Dad and Uncle Sliders group were back in the 80's, They have no wives or kids, no girlfriends waiting at home for them so seeing the world has more appeal since they can see multiple worlds. I laugh to myself at my joke.

They are all very welcoming, I think Frank has the most reservations but I manage to win him over by saying next time that we go up that the loser has to buy the next round at the Smitten Mitten. He obviously thinks it's going to be me and I obviously think that it is going to be him. Jake laughs the entire time that Frank and I have this conversation, he says that the two of us are gonna wind up being the best of friends of which we both agreed.

Uncle Slider came in with a big ass smile on his face as he hands me his phone which has a text on it.

Ice : Tell Allie to video chat when you see her.

Slider: Ok. When you get off the video with her give me a call, pretty sure I have some information your gonna want.

Ice: Information about what?

Slider: I'll tell ya later. Have fun on your video chat and say hi to the family for me. I miss them kids and Sarah.

Ice: And what about your favorite pilot? Your favorite front seater back when you were my RIO.

Slider: Your best RIO you mean. Mav was your favorite wingman and I was your favorite RIO. The good ol days. Remind me to get you, me, Mav and maybe Allie or oooh Viper all together to play some Beach Volleyball.

Ice: Will do.

As I read through all that was running through my mind was 'They want to video chat. Who's they is it just Dad or are the others going to be there to?' All of these questions are running through my mind when suddenly I feel two hands one is Uncle Slider's on my shoulder and the other is Jake's that's on my lower back trying to convey comfort and not show to much of his soft side Infront of the guys cause then they'd just taunt him bout it. It made sense cause I did the same thing. I knew that I wanted both Jake and my Uncle to be there while I was on the phone incase I needed one or both of them and the only place I could think of was the Smitten Mitten. That would work actually cause Diana would also be there to help if I needed her. I know that at any time we could get the news that the cancer is back for the third time but I'm just not ready for that phone call or otherwise.

I ask Uncle Slider "Can we go to the Smitten Mitten? I want to talk to Diana and plus maybe she has a back room I could use for my video chat and you guys could join. It would be the same group from last night so we could all give our stories from the night. You know Dad would love that, that's one of his favorite things is the stories from everywhere I have been." Uncle Slider just smiles at me cause he knows what I'm trying to hint at. I want Uncle Slider and Diana there for Diana to meet more of my family but I also want that for Jake. I think he's going to be important to me and with my Dad going back and forth with Cancer I never know how long I have with him. I know that Mom and Dad will have loads of stories for me, the doctors told us to enjoy Dad's ability to talk while we still are able to.

"Sure kid, lets go." Uncle Slider said to me while leading me to the door. We say goodbye to the others, I tell them that I will talk to them tomorrow. We head out and I get two notifications. I look to check my phone and see two different texts, One from Jake and the other from my Dad. I check the one from Dad first.

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