Getting to know you part 1

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"So I know that you are Iceman's daughter and that your a pilot. Tell me more about you Darlin." He said in a very sexy but serious voice he had a look in his eye that had me ready to kiss it out of his eyes. Maybe that wasn't the best idea since I just met him but I mean he's seriously hot, I mean between the smirking and smiling lips and his accent alone I was very turned on.

"Well how about we go back and forth asking questions and both have to answer the question?" he nodded agree to the terms. "I'll start," when he nodded once again I began "Favorite color? I know its cheesy!" I say as I smile a big cheesy grin at him. He is mirroring me with one of his own." Blue, light blue or a kinda blue grey like the skies." He said smiling a little softer now and then he gave me a eyebrows look saying 'your turn' without having to actually say it I guess. "Honestly it changes a lot but at the moment its between Navy Blue and Green. " I say and then point my Root Beer at him saying 'your turn'. He smirks and eyes me for a second and then "Well I have one question that will have a few follow ups do those count as 1 or different ones each times?" He asked seeming to really want this answer for whatever the next questions are. " Umm... Lets say they'll count as either depending. Why what's the question?" I say slightly amused and a little confused at how was the question if that is what he asks? He smiles at me "Well which squadron are you on? I want to know if were on the same one." He asked with a thoughtful and curious look on his face. (I don't know which squadrons are real or not so I'm just making the name up).

"Well I am on the Charlie Squad. Its mainly gonna be me and a couple of others in a year or two above me, at least according to my Dad." I say and he lights up like a Christmas tree. "What?" I say giggling. He looks me in the eye smiling a big ass grin " I'm on Charlie Squad too. Meaning we're working together Darlin. " My smile grew to match his, this means that I will know two people at work yay." Well then what were your other questions?" I ask him with my smile still on my face and his matching mine.

"Well my next one is what are you doing tomorrow night?" Hangman asked with a smile, smirk combo. I don't know how he pulled that off but boy oh howdy, did he. He looks me in the eye while he does so and I get a little wet in my panties. I know this is probably gonna be a bad idea but your only young once. You can live a really long life without ever really LIVING any of it by playing it safe. I don't wanna play it safe so. "Depends on how tonight goes. And if your really this charming or if its just some play." I say partly playing and partly being serious. "Well that's interesting and I would say I am just charming." He said giving me that same damn smile" Now I believe its your turn for lets hope you have some interesting questions for me. Give me your best shot Darlin." He said quirking an eyebrow and smirking his damn lips at me. Good God what is this man doin to me. "Favorite Marvel and or DC movie? I say that that's the really get to know someone. Know their movies, shows, books, etc. their favorite ways to spend their time when their not working. None of it can really say this person is bad or mean but it can say compatible for friends or otherwise. I started using it years ago. My family and I have movie marathons and stuff where we just spend time together. Sorry, your answer please." I say giggling when I realized that I started to ramble, that happens when I'm nervous or excited. He just chuckles at me and smiles then nods, "Well my family actually does something similar we have a lot of movies and tv shows from when different generations of the family were young and love to get together at least once a year me and my one brother and two sisters. For marvel I'd have to say The first Avengers movie and Captain America Winter Soldier for me personally. For DC it has to be The Batman with Michael Keaton. He's my favorite Batman." He says as he looks very far away and tries very hard to be careful but truthful you can see it in his beautiful brown eyes.

I get so fuckin excited. "No way!!" I almost squeal while laughing my ass off which then makes him start laughing at me." What!?!?! I only said the truth?!?!?!?" He said trying I guess to defend his answer. I start shaking my head at him waving my hand " Those are some of mine to. I LOVE those like their my favorites. A lot of people I have asked have said more of the newer stuff which is good but cant beat the ones I watch with my younger siblings." I say now turning a shade of dark red cause I'm laughing so hard. He laughs, now with me versus at me, we both just sit there laughing and smiling at each other before finally settling down a little bit. Wiping away tears " So we have been able to talk about a lot of stuff in this little time. When do you think we should head back to our places and sleep. You do remember that we have work in the morning and its now.." I look at my watch "10:30 pm. Meaning we have around 6 and 1/2 hours until we have to wake up for work and I hate mornings." He nods when I say that. "Well at least let me walk you home cause it looks like Slider and Diana will be here a while.." He said nodding his head to point at Uncle Slider and Diana laughing with each other at the bar still. "Ok cowboy just don't try anything tonight please I'm way to happy to have to kick your ass." I say smiling my sweet smile at him showing that I'm just joking with him. We get up and try to pay Diana but she said "Your Uncle and I got you two. Have a fun niigghhtt." She sang at us as we walked out the door. We both laugh and hear Uncle Sli say "Don't say that!!" and we laugh even harder.

Maybe this wasn't so bad, I mean of course I miss my family but this, this is a pretty great feeling being able to talk to someone like this. Both Diana and Jake are making it very easy to be welcomed here. I just hope everyone is like that tomorrow at work.

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