A very important video chat

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"Hey Ice." Uncle Slider said as he smiled at my Dad. "I err we wanted to introduce you guys to two people." Uncle Slider says as I give him a look of really.

I take over "Lovely Kazansky family let me introduce you to Diana and Jake. Diana is the owner and bartender of the Smitten Mitten and she is 'friends' with Uncle Slider." I say and make sure that when I say that she is friends with Uncle Slider I use parenthesis. Of which makes Dad start laughing, "Oh really?" Dad said chuckling a bit, Mom and my sister Brianne just smile at Diana over the screen. "Oh behave." Mom says to Dad "Its nice to meet you Diana. I hope you will visit with Slider when he comes back to the states. I hope that Allie will be with you when that happens so that we will all be in one place. " Mom says to Diana with a smile on her face as she brushes a lock of her Burnette hair behind her ear. Diana smiles back at Mom

"Nice to meet you to. I hope to visit you as well. Maybe we could compare notes on how to deal with these gentlemen?" Diana said to my mother and they both laughed a bit. "So sorry my names Sarah. I forgot to say it. That would be lovely. Now Allie you also said that you were introducing a 'Jake'? Who is that?" My Mom said to me with a knowing look on her face when I immediately smiled when she said his name.

"Jake Seresin, this is my Mom, Sarah, my brother Tommy, my sister Brianne and my Dad Tom or Iceman depending. Family this is Jake Seresin callsign Hangman." I say as I introduce them to each other and when I see Dad's face go thoughtful I call him on it. "Dad," I say "Yes snowflake", "Why do you have the look on your face that you do when you decide that you need to do research?" I ask him as his face turns into a smirk that I have only ever seen him use with three people. Uncle Maverick, Uncle Slider and me. "Well Slider already kinda filled me in on Hangman and Diana. What he did not tell me is why you and him are sitting so close together. Have something to tell me Snowflake?" Dad teased me and Jake a bit. Jake shifted a bit and I heard him chuckle a bit.

"Well I'll get back to you on that Dad." I say smiling a bit at the fact that Dad is teasing Jake already. "It's nice to meet all of you, even if it is over video chat. Especially you Admiral Kazansky. I've heard a lot about you, especially from Slider the past month or so." Jake said as he was trying to make a good impression and not make an absolute fool of himself. "So Hangman, how'd you get your call sign? There's always a story for the call signs." Dad asks with a thoughtful look on his face. I was wondering the same thing, Uncle Slider never told me and neither did Jake. I also only call Jake well Jake.

Jake gives one of those fake smiles that also looks guilty. "Well I'm mainly called Hangman because I have had a tendency to leave my wingman. I make up plans as I go and don't relay them to my team all the time. " My Dad nods his head. "Sounds a hell of a lot like Maverick when we first met him doesn't it Slider." My Dad says to Jake and asks Uncle Slider at the same time. I got intrigued and it seems everyone else did to cause they nodded in agreement with me when I asked both Dad and Uncle Slider "What do you mean that was how Uncle Mav was? I thought he never left his wingman?" Dad smiled a bit and Uncle Slider gave me a sad smile. "Yeah, when we all first got to Top Gun I was your Dad's RIO and your Uncle Mav had Uncle Goose as his RIO," Uncle Slider says to me and my siblings. I roll my eyes "Yeah we know all of this. Top Gun is also where you guys, Aunt Carole and Bradley lost Uncle Goose." I say and give my Dad a sad smile as he bows his head in shame. Him and Uncle Mav will forever blame themselves for Uncle Gooses death even if there was nothing either of them could do. Dad went on.

"Well when those two first got there. Mother Goose and Maverick, The dangerous cowboys. That's what we used to call them." Dad said smiling once again reminiscing over that time. "Maverick would leave everyone, took stupid unnecessary risks. He did get Jester and almost got Viper but him and Goose got in trouble a lot when Mav would pull those stunts. No one wanted to fly with him anymore, everytime he went up with someone in an exercise they would loose or just barley win. They got second place to us." He must have been remembering something very specific cause he started laughing a bit but also looked like he wanted to cry and so did Uncle Slider. "No points for second place." Uncle Slider said looking at Dad with a knowing look. They both missed each other and their old days immensely. All of a sudden the door bell rings at the house we can hear it in the call. Tommy goes to see who it is at the door, he comes back a minute later with a big old grin on his face. "Well its two devils that we have been speaking about." In walks Uncle Mav and Viper. I squeal over the call and everyone looks to me " What are you waiting by the door for? Get your asses over here!! Man I wish I could hug all of you from over the computer." I say trying to hold back my excitement from seeing Viper and Mav together, I haven't seen Viper in about 1 and a half years ago. I have been on different deployments and other areas while he has now retired and him and his wife retired a couple hours from Top Gun. His children have all graduated and moved on but they stay in touch with everyone.

"Now sis why didn't you say that when you first saw us?" Tommy said teasing me.

"Cause I saw you yesterday before my flight Tommy." I say in a duh tone. "Besides Everyone knows that I have my people and Viper just happens to be one of my people." I tell him honestly. I love them all but all of us kids have had 'our people' since we were born that we prefer or love to be around.

"Well Snow. How do you like England so far?" Viper asked me. He always called me Snow, Dad and Uncle Mav call me Snow sometimes but its mainly a Viper and Allie thing.

"I like it. I have met the other pilots here in our squadron and not, most of them seem nice. Uncle Slider also introduced me to Diana and Jake, that are both here. This is Jake and this is Diana." I tell Viper. I know that if he has any concerns like my father will wait until we are alone to voice any concerns or ask questions they think will get a worrisome answer. He gives me a thoughtful look and then looks to the sides where the others are. Diana is beside Uncle Slider who is sitting beside me Infront of the computer. Jake is on my other side and puts his hand on my knee when my leg starts to bounce. Its comforting that he does that. I smile at everyone sitting next to me but when I smile at Jake we hold each others gaze for a second before Dad cleared his throat. We turn away from each other to look at my Dad and I found him smirking along with everyone else. That was just rude I think to myself chuckling a bit under my breathe.

"Nice to meet you both. How are you doin Slider? Never thought I'd see the day when your not flying with Iceman here." Viper says to Uncle Slider. Uncle Slider nods his head. " I'm doing good, I have to be a instructor to these two lovely girls so it feels like a crash and burn sometimes but not everyone can be as amazing as Ice and I." Uncle Slider says getting a look from Jake.

Viper, Mav and my Dad and I just laugh cause I know this is how they are and I join in with them whenever but I mainly like watching their interactions sometimes cause I love how they are with each other, its how I would love to be with future friends. I smile nice and wide when Dad responds with
"Ain't no one been as good as us since Mav almost won." He smiles nice and wide at Mav to make sure that he heard. Viper and Uncle Slider bust out laughing about how childish those two still are of their rivalry turned friendship. I love how they are still taking shots but now its in good fun to poke at each other.

"Just you wait ladies' I do believe that one person is gonna surpass all of us. Only because she was taught by all of us." Viper said loud enough to be heard over their banter. He had this smirk on his face that said 'I know your gonna make it kid', I smirk back at him " Bet your ass I am. Y'all just watch one day I am going to Top Gun and I will be on that plaque with my father." I say smirking so wide, Dad smiles at me and so do both Uncle Mav and Uncle Slider. By this point I just realized that Mom and my siblings have left the room. I get a little sad but I also know that I'll call them later and just catch up with them all one at a time. When the guys and I get to talking or hanging out we get sucked into our own world.

"Hey Allie." I look up from the computer to see Diana and Jake up at the door frame looking at Uncle Slider and I. "Yeah, what's up?" I ask her. "I'm getting ready to close up love, let me know when your done and I'll walk you out. I just wanted to let you know that's why the rest of the place is dark." Diana said to me and I nodded at her, then I thought about it " Wait what time is it? I thought you didn't close until late?" I ask her I didn't think I was on the call that long, was I? "It's almost 11:50. I just couldn't interrupt you sorry." She said looking guilty, I shake her off." It's okay Diana. Umm I'll call you guys later. Okay. " I say my guys look back at me and nod their heads. They had heard how late it was here and knew that I should go to bed soon. "Bye Snowflake I love you." Dad says with a sad smile. "Bye Allie. I love you. Good Luck with your other Uncle." Uncle Mav said with a playful, sad smile. "Bye Snow good luck with that Hangman. " Viper said with a playful smirk but sad eyes.

"Bye guys I love you. See ya later." I say and we hang up and Uncle Slider pulls me into a side hug.

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