Smitten Mitten

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Hangman started to laugh when Uncle Slider had said that and decided to say " Well I have been told that I have one that can do amazing things." He said that with a smirk and winked at me.

"Yea no not happening. She is my niece and you are a combination of her Dad and one of her other Uncles so no." Uncle Slider said with a face somewhere between 'I can't believe he just said that' and ' he better not be trying to use pick up lines on her.' It was hilarious, I wanted to see how far I could push him and Hangman apparently had the same idea cause right after he said that I pop off with "Well we'll see if its amazing or just decent." I say with a smirk at both boys and wink back at Hangman. He smiles at me nice and wide showing off his pearly whites. "Well Darlin just say when," he winked "So what do you do Darlin? Or are you just here to hang with the old man? Oh and can I get a Wild Turkey please Diana?" He asked her while keeping eye contact with me.

Evidently still waiting for an answer to his earlier comment. "Honey I don't know that you could handle it right now. Maybe later though you never know." I say as I stare back into his lovely light brown eyes. I could get lost in them if I didn't look away soon. They look beautiful and his jawline is so pronounced, so sharp like he could cut a piece of wood with it. He smirks as he sees my eyes wonder to his lips looking so good, good enough to bite. "Like what your seeing Darlin?" He asked as his smirk grew in size when he continued "You know it doesn't have to be later. I live on base though." In an instant my smile grew real wide. Just as I was about to tell him that I will live there to since that's where I'm gonna be stuck for the next how long Uncle Slider just had to intervene. " Yea oh hell no that's not happening. Hangman you have the worst reputation with women. why the hell are you trying to put the moves on her?You know her Dad is Iceman, you know like the big Fleet Commander that I used to fly with?" He said then he turned to look at Diana "and you were introducing her to him!!?? Of all people great friend but come on your the one that warned me about his reputation with woman so that I could be prepared for the onslaught of ex girlfriends or flings." He finally finished and I looked him dead in the eye "And how is that any different than you, Dad, Uncle Mav and Uncle Goose when he was here? Y'all were hell on ships and then when Goose met his wife Carole and they had Bradley? He stopped sleepin around. Dad when he met mom a few years later after they got married stopped sleepin around. You and Uncle Mav are the last to the part with Penny and miss Diana. So go ahead shame Hangman here for that and judge me and Diana for talkin and being friends with him, but you better remember that you all acted like that. " I say to Uncle Slider with my eye brows up in my hair and a stern look on my face. They all just looked at me not knowing what to say.

"Now can I please get a refill please Diana?" I say looking at her with a small smile. She smiles at me.

"Sure thing Allie." She said with a smirk on her face as she was getting it for me.

"So we're friends now? I don't even know what your job is." Hangman said looking at me with wonder in his eyes as he looks me over like I did him earlier. He bit his lip so I'm assuming he likes what he sees.

"Well one yea for now at least," I wink after I say that "And second I am a naval aviator. One of the best cause I was trained by the best." I brag a little bit. His eyes got comically wide and he asked "You mean your father is Iceman and he trained you at I getting this right Darlin? Now that don't exactly seem fair. Now who are these other Uncles I'm being compared to?" He said lookin a little flustered and a lot confused at this point. Its cute how his face turns pink and scrunches a little when he gets confused and flustered. The little crease in between his eyebrows gets a little deeper when I explain my Uncles and other people that I know but haven't given the title Uncle yet.

"Well yea my Dad is Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, my Uncles are Maverick, Slider here, then the last one was Uncle Goose but he passed away when they were at Top Gun. " I give Uncle Slider a small sad smile while I say this. Hangman gives me a look like I have just grown a halo and I smile at him and go.

"Yeeeessss? What cat got your togue Hangman?" I ask him and smile nice and big at his reaction. He looks at me and smiles "Actually its Jake. Jake Sersin." he said smiling and stuck his hand out to shake. I laughed and he chuckled at the change of subject and recall to one of the first things that she said to him, when she introduced herself. "Allie Kazansky." I said smiling right back at him. what can I say he's cute when he smiles. "Really you've been talking and flirting for how long? You just now got to the point of saying your actual names to each other. Do you know how long its been since I've seen someone do that? Count how old you are missy and add two years that's how long." Uncle Slider started to rant and we both just busted out laughing.

I look at Jake " Hey wanna go sit at a table and leave the older generation to their talking?" I ask him raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit.

He smirks "Thought you'd never ask Darlin. See ya later old man. See ya Diana." Hangman said with a smirk. He goes to walk away but then he stopped waiting for me. He looks at me and just smiles while I go up to Uncle Slider who just gives me and Jake a look. "Just so you know I am telling your Dad when he calls me." Uncle Slider said trying to either embarrass me or tease me I'm not sure but it's nothing that I wouldn't already tell my Dad or Mom anyway.

"Ok I'll tell him what you don't." I say and wink at him. I pick up my Root Beer and start to follow Jake and we both smile at each other when we sit down.

"So Jake, I've told you about me lets here about you to start are you really a good pilot?" I ask him giggling as he gets this fake offended look on his face that turns into a look of pure confidence in himself. Its really hot to be honest.

"Oh Darlin you have no idea." He said smirking at me.

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