chp 3

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"'Water."' Your voice chimed causing miles of great frustration.


Miles had awoken to the dying embers of the campfire and bright light hitting his eyelids. When he sat up and glanced over to where you were…keyword…where you 'were' laying was empty he shot up in a panic, eyes glancing to make sure he had all of his shit. When that was done he scowled…
"fucking bitch left m-" The sounds of splashing had him shutting his tramp whem he saw you in the pond washing yourself.
He felt a surge of embarrassment rush through him as he realized he was staring at your bare form, quickly surging up and storming into the oasis's forest.
"Ima take a piss!" He said quickly as he rushed away from.your confused eyes.
After he had taken care of his morning needs he welcomed the fact that you were no longer washing yourself and dressed when he had returned. You had ushered him to the water and thus your unwelcomed teaching lesson on how to speak eywa children's language had begun.

Miles scowled at you as you had again whacked him, this time it was his arm. Your eyes crinkling in frustration.
"'water"' You said fiercely.
Miles sucked in an annoyed breath.
"Water." He repeated in English, still not catching onto the lesson. Without a blink in your eyes,

w h a c k.

Right on his forehead. Miles scowled a weak hiss coming from his and yet he felt a surge rush through him. His tail swayed quickly as if it was excited. The n e e d to correct his behavior and impress rushed through him.
Your hands shot closer to him, cupping water.
You stared at him, patience slowly inkling away.
"' W a t e r "' You emphasize loudly to him.
   His tail swayed harshly and that surge to please rushed through him.
""water!"' He snapped back at you bracing himself for some sort of smack, he was getting sick of it. But he watched as your ears perked up and your lips twitched in a smile, your tail swayed and he felt his chest puff up in pride and his own tail swayed faster. That rush from getting smacked rushed through him filling him with a sense of pride for impressing you.
"'Drink."' You then said

That sudden feeling left him and he scowled, throwing up his hands.
"Oh fuck me!"  he snarled.

and just like before with the wrong words to water…..W h a c k.

You soon got the Skxawng to drink water, it took a while but he soon caught on not only how to say it but realized how much you wanted him to drink. Despite him being so stupid he realized after you just continuously kept drinking water, you wanted him to do the same. You tried to get him to keep drinking water as you drank, filling yourself with an ample supply of it but you soon watched him scowl and storm off back to the dying fire. A sogh left your lips as you chugged more water down. He would regret that, If he was to survive in these lands like mother eywa wanted him to, he would need to push his body to adapt to its ways. As you moved your hands to your mouth to take in more water you felt your throat tighten, refusing another sip. You were full, you had plentiful supply and taking another sip would be too greedy. You moved your hands away from your lips letting the water stream down your arms and back into the pond's cool pool. You moved your hands to your stomach making a gesture and then lightly touching the cold pond's surface, thanking the water for providing you more life.
  You left the pool of cool waters hoping that it would provide for another traveler when they found this oasis and walked to the dying fire. You watched the male eat dried meat, who seemed to try to look as if he wasn't watching you at all.
'observant.' you thought of the strange male before you grabbed the leathery hood you had made him and threw it at him You watched as his right arm quickly caught it, showing you that he actually had his attention on your movement this whole time.
"'Put that on."' you told him before picking up a leather bag and placed it beside him. Your arm slightly strained at its weight but it didn't matter.
"'You will also carry your water supply."' You told him before gathering your own things and killing the dying embers of the fire and prepared the both of you for the journey ahead.

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