chp 4

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You hissed at the Skxawng beside you as you crawled into the temporary den you dugged out under some rocks.
A great fury built inside of you as you laid down.
'Great mother, you guide a man who can't hunt, to me!' You bitterly thought to the great mother.

Miles stood outside of the hole you made under the rocks, ears slicked back and great annoyance filled him. His tail swayed irrationally behind him his stomach growled and twinged in pain causing him to hiss out in his anger as well. He sat outside of the hole leaning his back against the sturdy rocks.


Gods did he ever feel this hungry before, You both have been movimg through these damned hot ass lands for days and without any food. You had persisted for him to follow you on hunts and each time he tried to use his gun you would whack the shit out of him each fucking time.
  "Stupid fucking woman!" Miles hissed out, he could hear a hiss from the hole, he knew you had no idea what he said only reacting to his temper. "Could've been eating if you would have kept your hands to yourself!" He hissed back, He could hear your tail whacking the ground in the den, a warning for him to correct himself. His tail swayed and that feeling to do better rushed through his causing him to snarl and shove himself up.
'I will not take orders from a savage!' He angrily thought to himself and began to leave the woman in her hole. He was going to go hunt and actually prove to the woman his gun was to hunt! He ignored the deeper feeling to prove himself worthy to the na'vi woman.

Miles stalked through the sandy lands as the moon glowed upon it. Even the sandy lands of Pandora had stunning beauty. The sand glowed in patterns like of the na'vis skin the few barren land plants of its desert plains glowed so broghtly in their wonderous colors.
'My Home is so beautiful' Miles thought for just a second before shaking his head smacking it.
"This place is not my home." He snarled as he pressed on ears twitching to listen for any signs of animals. "Earth is my home." the colonels scolded himself.
"Pandora is just a savage replacement."

Miles ears picked up on. movement and his head snapped in that direction, quietly as he could on the sand he moved seeing a herd of those starnge horse like creatures, but these were different having more lumps on their back.
'Like camels.' He thought to himself as he rosed up his gun. Focusing his eye his finger moved to the trigger, a breathe in to stead he went to move the trigger.
The herd was already to alert, the sliding of the trigger was so loud in the deafening silence.
The herd took off,
He shot his gun..


The herd got away leaving the colonel preyless.
"FUCKING HELL!" Miles yelled and hissed, moving to quickly stalk after that herd. His stomach cried out in agony causing his temper to ever grow. He was gonna fucking kill an animal tonight! He was going to eat their savory flesh, whether it was cooked or not! He was going to drag an animal's corpse back to the den and he was going to p r o v e himself to that woman. P r o v e that he was a hunter in his own right!
Miles' mind raced as he chased after the herd to the best of his abilities but he in fact lost the herd causing him to spew out loads of obscenities. He began to move through the night looking and listening for other creatures to hunt.
He knew how to hunt! In fact he enjoyed it, He enjoyed hunting down his prey, his targets. He enjoyed the fear one will get when they realize he had them cornered. He had enjoyed Jake sully's fear when he had his half breed kids under his grasp.
The crunching of sand from under his boots annoyed him. His ears slicked and twitched and he stopped hissing loudly as his temper grew causing him to rip off the boots and chunk them to the side. Quaritchs bare feet touched the sand, the now cool sand and it brought him an unknown ease. He took in a deep breath as he felt pandora underneath him. As if he could feel all the creatures touching the soil.
Miles moved on, stalking to find a prey, to find a target to be his and the woman's meal.
He was the highest soldier in his squads, he always was on top compared to other cadets and rookies. It was no shock when his miles quaritch rose up the ranks quickly on earth. He was honored when the world's government placed him to come to Pandora and conquer the land for humanity. To s a v e humanity and create a new home for his species. To save them and give new generations hope for the future, a better future than what he had. Miles remembered the stories of earth having plants, forests and clean rivers but they all died, ran dry from the previous generations. Plastic and trash filled the planet's waters, poisoning many bodies of water making people sick. Animals land and marine alike began to go extinct and gone from the planet earth all together the very last few dying in zoos. Humanity's survival was losing hope until they found Pandora and the planet's plentiful resources. Humanity will flourish here, civilizations will grow and new generations will live out their days well on this rich planet.
Miles could hear the breathing of an animal and he moved to take it in his sights. He moved his gun to aim eyes focusing.
Once he gets answers from the savage woman who kept him company he will leave and head back to base camp. He will regroup and reform a unit to go back to the water tribe and there he will have Jake sullys and His wife's heads.
'Then what?'
He watched the animal breathe in..and then breathe out as he moved his finger on the trigger.
The thought confused him for a moment.
Then what?
What a foolish naive question. Once he kills off Jake sully the humans will start to come onto Pandora and build. The first city of human society will be built and the first few colonies will come and live on the planet until they can build more resource stations and cities for more until soon all of humans populations are on pandora and for the first time in their lives they will experience the beauty of pandora and real living plants and clean rushing waters.

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