chp 8

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Miles ran, he ran through the night yelling for you. Screaming your name not caring if other na'vi heard him and came at him, nor the Gilingotes. His only focus was to find you and get you out far away from the barren lands. He knew that if the RDA came here they would set the oasis on fire in their path to find him. If he could get you out of here, out of the lands, you would be safe. 

  Miles knew that when they came he would be forced to come back with them and finish his mission in ending Jake Sully's life or they would kill him. Part of him wondered if he could run from it all, if he could get you out of these lands if you and him could run from the fighting. He doubted it, He knew that if he ran he'd be hunted much like how Jake is being hunted. It's not a life he would force you to endure, He knew you wouldn't be happy to be somewhere else beside your home. You would adapt to change well, he's seen you take down beasts five times your own size, saying you couldn't adapt to change would be an insult to you. But you wouldn't be happy.  If he could only get you away from these lands just long enough for the RDA to get or kill him, you could return home…

However he struggled finding you, the sandstorm had shook up the land. If there were any traces of you the storm had hid them completely. He could only hope you would hear him and subconsciously call back to him out of habit.  He just had to force his body to keep moving regardless of how tired he became. Miles moved through the sands, their illuminating glow decorated in patterns gleamed through his eyes. The night was the worst time to try to find you. You could've easily slid your hood up and lowered to the sand and he could walk past you. Unlike him at night you could completely vanish under the naked eye, which is why you preferred to hunt at dusk and at night. You were an excellent huntress, a deadly one as well. He would be bold to say you could probably give Mrs.Sully a run for her money in your skill alone. 

  He began to feel  delirious as the sun began to peak up over the desert. His body screamed for him to just give in and collapse under his own weight. His throat burned and scratched with each rusty call he would give, his lungs would heave as he would cough up blood shortly after each unwavered call. It wouldn't be much longer before the ocean of sand would start to go hot and the heat would start to get to him in his exhausted state. 

'"y/n"' He mangled out your name and gave out another weak animalistic call as he stumbled over some dried dead bones of a beast from who knows how long ago. He heaved as his body hit the sand hard. Sweat rolled down his forehead and the world around him spinned in front of him. Static hits his ears causing him to breathe hard and go weak against the fabric of his sweat drenched hood. 

"'Y/n"' He weakly called and his body trembled. He needed to get up…He tried pushing on his arms to heave himself up but his arm trembled and gave in once he barely got his weight onto them. He groaned as his face hit the sand and he shakily moved an arm underneath his head to hold his face away from the scorching sand. 

His ear twitched through the static and he could hear a loud noise from somewhere…His head became fuzzy again. He let out a weak groan. 

Voices…He could hear voices…

The world was spinning, would it ever stop? 

animal noises..Growls and snarls..

His stomach churned he felt like he was going to hurl and die in it. It hurts to move…

Someone yelled in pain from the distance, he barley jolted him. 

His thigh spasmed, the tie must have come loose, he could feel wetness leak from the wound. 

everything felt so cold..cold? in the desert? Perhaps he was just in a cooling hole, you must've made one for him again…He couldn't see the sun on his eyelids so maybe you're providing shade for him again…Miles hummed weakly and he tried to nuzzle deeper into the cooling hole.

The Barren lands.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora