chp 6

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"'EXPLAIN!!"' You snarled at him getting closer to his face.
Miles could see the emotion in your eyes, the anger, the pain, denial, grief…They burned in your eyes like wildfires.

And so he explained.

He told you everything.
His home planet, dying, far too dead to save.
His parents, How he would rather be the son of no one than to say that he is their son..
He told you about the marines, the wars he's fought, the things he's done. The people are innocent and now he's killed back on earth all because he was ordered too. Because he was Colonel Miles Quaritch. He told you how he got onto Pandora, what his mission was, to drive away the na'vi for humans to create their society even if it would eventually kill the planet or not.
  He had told you about Jake Sully. Told you how he had ordered Sully to spy on the forest na'vi, so that he would know how to get them to cropporate By force if necessary.
  But he also told you, he never had intended to make peace with the Omaticaya clan. When he had ordered Jake to spy he had all intentions of wiping out the clan all together. While Grace and her team were making avatars and in his eyes then making the problem worse and longer, he sought to 'solve' the problem by getting them to leave all together or by exterminating them like bugs.  He had told you about Graces school, how it was his men that killed na'vi children, His men, under HIS order which had killed neytiri's Older sister and the oldest daughter of the Omaticaya leaders. He had thought if he had her dead the tribe would leave, but they didn't and hostilities only grew. He told you how he had destroyed their spirit tree, Burning their homes to the ground.
He told you of spider mother paz, He told you how he treated her and how he neglected his son. Ignored his son in his hatred for the na'vi. How his mission in getting rid of the clan had all of his focus that he had refused to spend just a few hours with his own child.
  He told you of Jake Sully. How much He despised him, how he saw him as nothing but a traitor to the human race. A traitor who abandoned his kind just because he got his dick wet by some blue alien savage woman. How Jake leads clans to fight and kill humans and chase them off of pandora. He had told you about how he tried to kill Jake and how he inside died by Neytiri's arrows.
   He told you of his rebirth, How he was brought back alive. How he was torned about who he was and who he was supposed to be.

  "'I'm not him anymore….but at the same time, i am."' He watched you as you paced the sand a unreadble expression on your face.

  He told you about his mission to kill Jake Sully. How he had tried and failed at kidnapping Jake's children. Causing Jake to move his family away. He told you how he kidnapped his own son spider….He told you how he tried to bond with spider and how he craved to be a better father to the boy.
He told you how he got to the water tribes in his hunt for Jake Sully. How he burned down the water tribes homes, how he had hunted the tulkun, using them as bait to draw out Jake Sully.  How he got ahold of The kids once again holding them captive. He told you how a son of Jakes and Neytiri died, shot by one of his men.
"'I didn't want them to face harm, They weren't my targets. Jake was, Not them. I feel bad for the boy who died..He didn't need to die…Had Jake just listened that boy would have still been alive…I was gonna cut them all loose after I got his head. " He told you, He heard a loud hiss leave you and he looked down at the sand.
He told you how he Fought Jake, how he almost died once again if it hadn't been for his son.
"'I asked him to come with me….I wanted him to be with me, I wanted my son…But the little ass jumped into the water…He'd rather be with my enemy than with me….I rode my ikran, trying to get back to the RDA camp and crashed….."' He looked up at you. "'You know the rest"'.

Miles eyed you as you had stopped pacing, facing towards him but he couldn't see your face as you stared at the sand. He swallowed as he stared at you.

"'y/n?"' He asked out softly. The silence killed him more than anything. He would take you screaming, growling, whacking him a trillion times more than your silence…
"'y/n…Please..say something."' Miles begged you.

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