chp 9

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You cried as Miles left you.

"'DON'T RUN FROM HER MILES!"' you cried out as you banded onto the door, your heart wrenching as you could feel eywa's pain and anger as the ship rocked harshly against her ocean waves. Pain for the loss of so many of her children and Anger at the disobedient child that caused her loss, and yet you could feel her sadness wishing to guide the stubborn man she guided you back to where he belonged. You slid down the cell door frame crying your own pain out into the room.  The pain your Miles was giving you, The heartbreak of him trying to convince you he wasn't meant to be yours, If he wasn't to be, Eywa would have never guided him to you. Your forehead laid onto the door as you cried, longing to be back home back to the barren lands, back to where you both were happy and away from all this death and heartbreak. Where your chosen mate could be himself instead of this masked monster he was to be locked away as in these lifeless dulled walls. This was not a future, you didn't see how such meek dullness could ever have a bright fulfilling future. Were all Miles old kinds so drawn to the dullen lifeless walls? Were they not drawn to the beauty and sacred colors of life? Had their mother not been so vibrant and filled with life for them to seek out these dying landscapes? 

You rested yourself as your heart ached, You didn't understand why your miles were punishing you both with this heartbreak..You were stronger together than apart, had he not learned that?  Had you not teached him that? You were so sure that your Skxawng had learned that so well and yet here he was keeping you away from him, refusing your guidance and comfort. Your hand moved to your strand of beads moving down each one before stopping at the eighteen bead. 

You turned to face your mother and father, The Pack of guildrens lay slain below your feet Each will be used to make you clothes, make you a steady amount of dried meat  and will be used to make your leaving weapons. 

your mother sat with you at the smoldering fire and showed you her wisdom for you to use for your own survival and to one day teach your children who would then pass down the traditions to their children. Your father showed you how to dry out the meat slices to keep you from going hungry. A skill you may have to teach your future mate and your sons and daughters. While you worked on your leathered bag of items your mother and father took turns carving into your last bead from them. 

Both of your parents watched you as you brought life to the leathers, giving the animals you killed to sustain your life a new life to be part of you.  

You knew exactly how to make the bags and tools you needed and worked wisely on each item making them to last a lifetime. You were their 4th child born and for more wiser than the rest of your siblings who left their arms. 

You were strong and could bring life out of anything and anyone, your eyes burned with the renewing fires that brought new beginnings to the sprouting plants in the soil.

  Each carved in their prayers to eywa to watch over you and Your full name. 

 You had watched as your mother untied the knots holding your beads and moved each one up before adding the bead. 

'You are y/n l/n Daughter of Aryina and You are Evike.' Your mother announced your full name as she tied the bead.  

You looked at them with misunderstanding not understanding the purpose of your full name.

'You are the daughter of wisdom and she who gives life to everything.' Your father explained to you.

'How do I do this?' you had questioned them but they both smiled and gave you affectionated embraces.

'In time my daughter you will know. Eywa has plans for you.' Your wise mother told you and they sent you off to discover your destiny and start your journey of your own life. 

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