The Barren Lands: New Horizons

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A special to celebrate The Barren Lands Birthday!

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A choir of small snores, soft sighs and tired groans rang into his cropped ears. His tail twitching slightly as he felt drowsiness hold him tight to keep him asleep for just a little longer. He could hear the sandstorm had left long ago in the night leaving him and his family alone once more. Though sleep would not take hold and his emerald green eyes fluttered open to the soft breathing of his sleeping mate. Even after so many years the mere sight of her makes his heart slam against his ribcage and chest. He traced her arm as he held her close, each one of her breaths pushing her back against his chest as he traced his hand from her arm down to her where his bright blue thumb contrasted harshly against her gray hued skin. Her tail slightly tapping his leg as she shifted more into him, nuzzling her face into his other arm, ears twitching. Miles stilled, not wanting to wake y/n up, watching her settle back in place and slumber causing him to smile slightly and press his lips against her shoulder. His eyes soon moved away from her and to their young sleeping in a pile not too far from them. His eyes moved from the youngest to the not so youngest and his tail twitched with the sinking feeling of his chest as he was reminded how soon the oldests ones would challenge him and their mother to prove to them and themselves that they are adults and ready to leave the safety of Y/n and His arms and trek through the Barren lands alone. Old enough to search for mates of their own and start families just like his oldest son had done a few years back.
His eyes shifted over all of them memories of how they all were once so little in his arms, some not even hatched from their chrysalis.
Kalanchoe, his second oldest son who once was a tiny tike in his arms, has now grown into a young man. While his oldest could have left shortly after his eighteenth year, he had stayed with them not het challenging Miles to show he was ready to leave the family.
The reason was simply sleeping not too far from him, His sister Neoma who softly snored and kicked her leg out so often that it would slam against Kalanchoe knee making him groan and twitch away. The two had always been close and though Kalanchoe could have left he stayed two years longer so that he could leave the family with Neoma and explore the world with her. As the two were very adventurous out of all their siblings it wasn't long before talks of exploring the mountain ranges had been exchanged between them for nearly two years and then to explore the cast forest.
While He knew that both of them were strong and that they handled themselves very well as they had learned from the best who slept in his arms peacefully, he didn't want to say goodbye to his children. He did not know how long it would be until they crossed paths against the golden sands of their home, for it had been mere consequences when his family passed his oldest son and mates' family. 
  Spider was not like his other children, he was still just a human, and now a man in his early thirties and while he is still very much in his prime years, his golden ones were already starting to take effect in his oldest son's aging. Something that hadn't dawned on him until he saw his son in that mere passing. While eight years hasn't barely changed himself, Change upon the years took hold of his oldest son.Spider had already started showing signs of gray hair coming in root with his blond ones. Wrinkles started to dent into his face and while his skin had tanned by the barren land's strong sun,it had only made him look more older. While Miles himself still looked young as the day he woke up for the second time as recombinant. Seeing the aging differences between himself and his oldest son brought a strong sense of mourning to settle deep into his chest, as the aging was a painful reminder of how much longer lifespans Na'vi live. His son's mates Haimona, Apera still looked as young as they did when they all left the pack though there were the familiar signs of exhaustion that came from being parents to their rambunctious and wild daughter.  Plans had been made for the families to meet every three months at the oasis where He had first met his mate Y/n for a great family hunt and meal. It was those times everyone was able to catch up and from the last gathering Apera came bearing news that she would be baring another grandchild to Y/n and Him. That night was filled with celebration.

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