chp 5

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 You awoke just before dawn, just before the sun will break over the sandy lands and bring its heat. You turned to face the male who slept a few feet away from you and moved over to wake him.  You both would need to get a move on, you could smell the wind changes and soon this area will be caught in sand storms. You moved your hand to wake the male but jumped startled when his bright green eyes opened and laid attentive on you.

You both paused amber meeting green. 

Like a sun meeting freshly bloomed sprouts. 

"'Come, time to move on."' You whispered to the male before climbing out of the den gathering your things. He didn't take long and did not make a sound as you both geared up to leave. You noticed his bare feet and wondered where his weird feet hidings were. To your shock he didn't seem bothered about them and he focused on getting sand out of his lower garments and hood. 

"'Come"' You told him again ready to take the lead but when you turned to face him you paused. He was holding his strange noisy weapon in his hands. A distant look in his eyes as he looked at it.  Your ears twitched and you felt a sense of pity for him. Did he miss his clan? What had happened to them? Was he truly banished or was he just lost? You wish he spoke in your tongue, you craved answers to your questions. 

"'Come!"' you beckoned the male again and he looked up at you from the weapon before glancing down and squatting down by the hole. You gave him a confused glance as you watched him slide it under the rocks into the soon to be abandoned den. Your ears perked and your eyes widened at him as his face seemed to be full of emotion. A silent battle going through it as he stood up and looked at you. He began to walk over, and it was like you could see something change within him.

"'come"" you softly told him to pull him along, you noticed how he looked as if he wanted to say something but was unsure.

"'I follow you."' You spoke to him, placing a hand to his chest making a gesture of him following you. 

You noticed a slight quirk of his lips and his tail swayed some as his ears perked up.

"'I follow you."' He repeated back to you.

and Miles did. 

For next few months he followed you through the lands, learning what you taught him and adapting to the lands harsher climate.  

Hunting had become his favorite thing to do again, and it turns out you both made quite a team in hunting. 

He moved quickly to the flank side of a herd of camels like horses. He could hear your call from the otherside. He go ready as he made a call back. 

The heads of the beasts moved trying to see what made the noise, it wouldnt matter as miles heard another one of you calls before the animals went into a panic and frenzy to run. Miles pushed himself to run on the other side forcing them to panic and run back towards you, his eyes scanned the heard ears flickering around until he saw it. The inner circle where the young and weak stayed hidden from predators. He broke through into the circle breaking them apart from the herd, He learned to let the young ones flee and hunt down the slowest adult and which he did by chasing it from the herd. 

He saw a flash of grayish blue skin come from his right and watched as the animal was shoved into the sand from the sudden attack. Your teeth bared and your dagger struck down deeply into its chest. The animals panting soon died and so did its pain. You both painted from the hunt but silence surrounded you both, Miles moved to you placing a hand over yours on your dagger. He could see in his peripheral vision you looking at him. He moved his forehead to the animal and he could see a sense of pride come over you as you then moved to do the same.

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