Book 2: Part 1: Thomas and Gordon

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Thomas's time at the new yards had been eventful.

After Edward and Gordon had their blowout, the manager quickly put them to work far apart from each other.

More engines had come and gone since the year prior, but a certain GWR engine had been getting along with everyone, and took a particular liking to Henry.

He called himself James, and although he was a tank engine like Thomas, he looked unique and nothing alike.

Thomas was also very busy with Gordon. Every day, Thomas had to shunt his train in and out of the yard. He did not like Gordon's attitude as he acted like a king above his subjects.

Thomas wanted to get back at Gordon for how he acted towards Edward, but for the longest time he wasn't sure how. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months before Thomas started getting his plan ready.

For a few days, Thomas would spend his time by having his driver inform the yard manager of a train being added to the schedule, with a handwritten note from the director. By the time Monday came, 3 different trains were all trying to leave at once.

"James move out of the way!" called Gordon. "You're making my express late!"

"Buzz off Gordon, my train is meant to be leaving right now!"

"I'm supposed to be out of here 10 minutes ago!" whistled Henry from behind.

The arguing was so loud, it caught the attention of the manager.

"What's going on down here! Why are you all trying to leave the yard!"

"The yard manager said that my train is supposed to leave right now sir." argued James.

"But the yard manager told me that my train was supposed to leave earlier." argued Henry. "Although, I don't remember it being on the schedule."

Gordon didn't say anything. He just looked at the manager crossly.

"I'll go speak to him." he sighed. "James, you get going and Henry you stay here. As far as I know, there is no slate needed anywhere today."

"What do you mean it was signed by Topham? Any new additions to the schedule come through me remember?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Mill. I assumed that because he's the director-"

"Just because he's the director of the railway doesn't mean we both approved of the change. Where did you get these from?"

"That tank engine's driver came up to me a couple times and handed them to me. The signature looks genuine, I thought for sure it was real."

The manager looked out the window at Thomas. He could hear his laughter from across the yard.

"He better know that his driver will be fired for insubordination." he growled.

The manager looked nervous as the manager walked out of the room.

"That was a pretty good one!" laughed one of the trucks.

"Yeah who would have known that three big engines could struggle with being cooperative!" howled another.

Thomas chuckled with the rest of the yard. His prank on the big engines certainly caused a stir.

"Thomas the Tank Engine!" yelled a voice.

Thomas froze in his tracks. The manager walked up to him with a stern look.

"I heard about your funny little joke today."

"Oh, well, yes sir! I thought it was time to let Gordon have a run for his money!"

"Well what you did might have someone's job on the line. Jeremy!"

Thomas's driver gulped and stepped out of the cab.

"Uh yes sir?"

"I'm only going to give you one warning. If you forge a signature of any staff again, your paycheck will be seeing my shredder. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" replied Jeremy as he climbed back into Thomas's cab.

"Any more of these pranks will result in punishment." said the manager as he walked away.

"Well that could have been much worse." sighed Thomas. "I better be prepared though, I know Gordon will try to get back at me, seems like something that he would do."

"If you say so Thomas." replied his fireman, consoling the driver. "Just, be more considerate of others next time okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, make sure nobody's fired got it." Thomas mocked.

"That little tank engine doesn't know who he's messing with!" shouted Gordon to nobody in particular. "I'm the pride of the line and he should understand that!"

"Well Gordon, he does view you as-" started Henry.

"As what?"

"As a bit of a show-off?"

"If anyone's the show-off on this railway, it would be him. Besides, he just sits in the yard all day doing a lazy man's work."

"Well he isn't as big as you, he might struggle to pull a train out of the station."

What Henry said gave Gordon a big idea.
"That's it Henry! You're such a genius!"

"I'm a genius? What did I do?"

"There's no time for that now, I need to make sure this goes flawlessly."

Gordon had already left the yard for his return train before Henry could say anything. He was even 10 minutes early.

The yard was arranged neatly by the time Gordon returned. Thomas had left for a nap, since he had awoken early in the morning. Gordon thought he could be quiet enough to have Thomas stay asleep, but he was wrong. 

Thomas would have stayed asleep if Gordon grumbled like he usually did, but because of the silence, he grew suspicious. But alas, he couldn't move from his spot. His driver, however, was in the yard manager's office while Gordon pulled up.

Gordon's face looked like a child getting candy. 

"Good evening Reginald. Jeremy." said Gordon's driver.

"Good evening. What are you up to at this hour?" the yard manager asked.

"Gordon told me he wanted to get back at Thomas for his prank this morning. I thought I might want to deliver this hand signed letter from Topham." he winked.

The yard manager sighed and read the letter. Pausing for a moment. "Fine, I can let this one slide if the manager knows about this beforehand. I might need to make some arrangements for it."

"Good. Now it's off to give Gordon his beauty sleep."

"Alright then. Goodnight."

A long pause followed in the office.

"What's in that letter anyway?" asked Thomas's driver.

Thomas could hear Gordon move from his spot, and pretended to go back to sleep. Gordon quietly pulled up to him, and said nothing. His smile on his face so wide his cheeks hurt. But then, he too, went to sleep.

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