Book 4: Part 4: Thomas and Bertie

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"These engines are too slow to keep up with the passengers and goods!"

"What are you talking about?"

"They take far too long to get down the line, and it doesn't reach far enough into the hills to provide anything meaningful!"

"I can assure you sir, my engines are fulfilling their duties very well. Just be patient."

"You need to listen to me William, your engines won't last long. The main line already has bigger express engines than you could ever dream."

The manager scoffed. "You know nothing about how railways are run do you. I won't stand for this nonsense!"

The man growled. "It sounds like I know more about this than you do! I could one-up you and your engines by a significant margin!"

"Get out of my office!" Mr. Aubrey yelled.

The door slammed shut behind the man, and the manager slumped in his chair and sighed.


"Come on, come on, come on. We're going to be late!"

"Just wait for the guard to blow the whistle, Thomas!"

"We're not even that late, just be patient! What's got you so worked up?"

"I think it's just Terence. Every time I see him working, it's prodding me in my bunker."

The three coaches just sat a bit confused. "What did he do to you?" asked Clarabel.

"Nothing specific, he's just being there and I think he's taunting me."

"From ploughing the field?"


"Thomas don't worry about him." soothed Annie. "I doubt that's the case. Besides, you two could work well together!"

"What's the benefit of working with him? And by extension those buses?"

"Did I hear someone say buses?"

One of the red buses pulled into the station.

"We're just as helpful as engines you know!"

"Oh be quiet Bertie. Only people from Ffarquhar and beyond really need to take the bus."

"That's because you don't go that far, Thomas!" teased Bertie.

"Well maybe I should just convince the manager to extend the line some more!"

"Don't be so daft, it's not a competition, we're meant to work together!"

"Work together? That's not why you're here." said Eli.

Thomas and Bertie looked over to him.

"What do you mean?" 

"The manager got into an argument with someone a few years ago, about the railway."

"So? Silly arguments happen all the time!" 

"That man was your manager, Bertie."

"Sir Matthews? No way, he's so polite!"

"He wasn't a sir back then. He just got the title to be better than Mr. Aubrey."

All three were silent. The guard's whistle echoed around them.

"Well- can't be dawdling now, must be going." said Thomas.

Bertie sat in shock as his doors closed. He was empty, which was typical. His bus route always matched up with Thomas' schedule, but he had never realized before that he was meant to be in competition with him.

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