Book 3: Part 1: James and the Top-Hat

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"We'll get a new shunter, they said. We'll have one soon, they said."

"James stop moaning. It's only been two weeks. You can hold out for just a bit longer."

"It doesn't feel like I can, John. I'm too big of an engine to be working in this yard."

"Thomas wasn't much smaller than you. I'm pretty sure you're fine."

James groaned as Gordon entered the station, laughing.

"Still working as the shunter, James? It might be a good job for you, less swearing on the main line you know!"

"Stuff it Gordon. I shouldn't be here when I'm perfectly capable of taking mainline trains. Why does Thomas get to go run off on a branch line and stick me here with the dirty sidings!"

"Oh and shunting is such hard work. You're being just as stuck up as Thomas. If not worse."

"At least Thomas showed you up once. I definitely didn't forget that."

Gordon's face turned bright red. "Well- at least I haven't been in too much trouble yet."

"What about that time the director came and scolded you? I heard about that on the other railway. I think someone said that you shut right up? Maybe he needs to come out again and give you another talk."

"You wouldn't be laughing if you were the one in my position. The director is not the nicest person to be around. He has full control over the entire railway, James. He can get rid of you just like that."

"Oh yeah, then why hasn't he done it to you yet? Or do you 'special privileges' get you out of that?"

Wheeshing steam, Gordon left the station towards the shed. James just laughed the hardest he ever had.

"I doubt I'll be seeing the director any time soon."

That evening, James was alone in the shed. Gordon had been sent out to take an evening train, and Henry stayed the night at the other end of the line. James was happy to get some peace and quiet away from Gordon for once.

Suddenly, his berth swung open.

"Good evening, James."

Sir Topham Hatt walked in. James's eyes shot open. He was surprised to see the director at the shed.

"You wouldn't be my first choice for this James, but I have a very important job for you."

James grew excited at the prospect of importance. "I'm ready to help sir, what do you need?"

"There's a train that is meant to leave for Crovan's Gate at Knapford in two days. Henry and Gordon both have there schedules full, so I've elected to pull you from yard work to take this."

James smiled. "Thank you sir, I won't let you down."

"Good." The director walked out of the shed with urgency.

When Gordon returned, James still hadn't fallen asleep.

"What are you still doing up? I figured your smokebox would be empty by now."

"Very funny Gordon. Sir Topham Hatt came to my shed tonight."

"Pah. I doubt he would need to talk to you personally. What did he say to you then?" Gordon smirked.

"He assigned me to take an important train in a couple days. But that's just because you and Henry are too busy to take it."

Gordon was surprised. "That's preposterous. Why would he give you an important job when you're busy in the yard? The manager would never have approved this!"

"He said that he elected to remove me from yard work. Why do you seem so surprised? Can't believe a tank engine is moving up in the world, for a second time?"

Gordon grew crosser still. "Must just be your imagination. Why would the director come visit you so late in the day. You're speaking nonsense."

"I'm not kidding, Gordon. He was really here."

"And I'm just meant to believe you? I would honestly suspect that this is meant to get under my chassis and annoy me. No thank you."

James huffed. "Fine then. I'll just show you b***h."

Both engines left each other alone, and went to sleep.

The next morning, James was feeling proud of himself. Gordon still felt annoyed at James for trying to push him down a notch, but went off to do his work nonetheless.

James was busy in the yard when the manager came up to him, frustrated.

"James I see that you've been moved off the roster for Friday. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

"Yes sir. The director came to my shed last night telling me to take an important train."

"Uh huh. And he said he would move you off the yard schedule for that day?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. I'll have to take a look, but if this is true then.." he paused, sighing. "Gordon will have to do yard work."

The manager turned and left, annoyed that he would need to deal with Gordon in the yard for a few hours. James just laughed.

At Knapford, Eli was shunting the special train for James. The train continued to grow every day, as supplies came down from Ffarquhar.

When he was nearly done, he saw the last few wagons on the train. Travis's chassis sat on it in pieces. The recovery had nearly finished, and he was being sent to Crovan's Gate as spare parts.

Eli could remember how Travis's anger grew over the years, being more frustrated with the world around him.

"Why the hell am I taking this goods train! I thought I only had to do it on Wednesdays!"

"The manager changed it to Wednesdays and Fridays. That was months ago, Travis."

"Why didn't anyone tell me about this!?"

"You've been told over and over for weeks now."

Eli put those memories behind him. Travis was no longer here, but his impact would stay with everyone who knew him.

For the final time that night, Eli shunted the train into the siding with the final wagon.

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