Book 5: Part 3: Trouble in the Shed

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"What the hell are you doing!?"

"I'm sorry James. I just thought that organizing them this way would make things smoother for everyone."

"How is this even arranged? Coaches don't go next to wagons and vans! There's sidings over there for coaches!"

"I didn't put them by what type they are, I set them up so that they leave the yard when its time. Over there is for the stock that comes in."

James looked at the empty spot and back towards the others. "Well.. that's just not how we do things around here!"

The little engine sighed with a tear in his eye. "Sorry."

"Don't tell me, you better tell the manager instead."

"Not the manager! I don't want to be sent away again!"

James was dumbfounded. He had never heard of someone sending an engine away from making a mistake before. Even their own manager hadn't sent Gordon away despite the arguing that happens.

"Alright, fine. Don't worry about it. The manager won't be upset about it."

The small engine felt his firebox light up more. "If you think this is good then I think I can handle myself James!"

"Maybe we should let The Fat Controller know first, he is the one that brought you here."

"Yeah! Lets show him!"

Mr. Mill and Topham stood at the yard in confusion. 

"Percy, what is this?"

"I just arranged it how I work the best. Each train is set up by the time they leave!"

"This isn't really how we-"

"Now hold on Gordon. What's going on here?" asked Mr. Mill.

"Percy is arranging his trains by time instead of type. What would happen if the express coaches were filthy by this afternoon!"

Mr. Mill looked angrily at Gordon. "Percy, why don't you head back to the shed and make sure Henry is available for his train."

"Alright sir!" he peeped.

"Gordon, can you please shut up."

Gordon's face fell. "What do you mean shut up, sir? Percy was-"

"Percy wasn't doing anything wrong. This is the third time this week I've had to ask you to stop bothering him, yet you won't listen. I'm taking you off of the express for a few days. None of this has to do with Percy, there's a new engine on trial starting today."

Before Mr. Mill had finished his sentence, Gordon had already headed off towards the shed. He had not heard the whole sentence, and was angrily closing in on Percy.

James sat off to the side, watching the whole ordeal.


Percy fell silent, and Henry woke up from his nap. A billowing cloud of smoke covered the turntable. Percy found himself backed into the shed, with Gordon leaving no room.

"You little mongrel, you set me up to lose the express, didn't you!?"

Percy started tearing up again. A whistle came from the distance.

James stared at the beautiful engine that pulled into the station. A brand new rake of GWR coaches following suit.


"What? What's going on!?" shouted Gordon.

The platform fell silent. Arriving new from the Great Western Railway was a Hall class. 

"This must be the right station?" he asked James.

"Yes sir. You must be the trial engine."

"Why yes, I am!" The name's Saint Martin, just testing out my new set of wheels."

"Just beautiful."

"Where the hell did he get a replacement engine from so fast." Gordon grumbled.

"I think you might have the wrong idea, Gordon." said Henry.

"Oh yeah?! Maybe you would like it if someone replaced you on goods duty for a while then!"

"And that is exactly what is going to happen." boomed Topham. "Your outburst today has easily swayed my mind into that exact territory. Henry, I don't expect any rest from you. Stopping services towards Wellsworth will be starting soon."

Henry and Gordon both groaned. Henry hoped for a rest, his leaky boiler was getting worse. Gordon was just angry.

"You both must start immediately. Percy, just, go shunt."

Percy couldn't bring himself to move. He could see James leaving the platform smiling, although he was pulling a goods train. He felt happy knowing he had a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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