Book 5: Part 1: Henry and the Elephant

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"Why are all these trucks put haphazardly!"

"I think it was James, he was here this morning."

"Don't blame me, Henry! I've been taking this goods train since 2 AM!"

"Well Gordon said that you were shunting this morning."

"Gordon was meant to be shunting before his train today, and it looks like he's gone already!"

"Typical, I knew he hated shunting, but I didn't think it was this much!" said Edward.

An engine's whistle blew in the distance. A crimson locomotive pulled into the station with a mixed goods train. James had his eyes wide open while Edward and Henry stood in the yard unimpressed.

"What are you just standing around for? I've got to leave here in an hour." complained the engine. "Don't you have a designated shunter?"

The three engines just looked at each other. 

"We haven't had an engine stationed here since '25. He was transferred to a branch line." replied Henry

"What about him?" the engine looked at James. "He's a tank engine? Why can't he do it?"

"I've been put on goods work!" he scoffed.

"Pfft. A tank engine on the main line? Who would ever imagine that! Quit it with your jokes and go shunt the train!"

James grumbled as he followed the orders. Henry just sighed, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw The Fat Controller looking out his office towards the engine.

"Edward did you see that?"

"See what Henry?"

"The Fat Controller. He's looking out the-... window."

"Maybe you're just seeing things Henry."

"I'm sure that he was there."

"James, get going please!" called Edward.

"I know, I know, you don't need to shout."

The red engine looked over Henry. "What's going on with you? Need a new boiler?"

"Oh, I was just in an accident a few years ago, nothing to worry about."

"I'm surprised your manager hasn't removed you from service. What are you, a few decades old?"

"Only two." butt in Edward.

The engine looked over to Edward. "An 0-4-0? There's no way you're fitted for Mainline service, there's definitely faster engines than you!"

"Like that A1 you passed?"

"He sounded like an A1, and acted like an A1, but he did not look like an A1 with that sloped footplate."


"I'm glad they didn't go with that design. It looks terribly ugly."

James smirked, he thought it was incredibly funny that Gordon was considered ugly.

"Also what's with that ridiculously large tank engine? He's no good for shunting or mainline work, he looks like some freelanced design. Typical lower railways."

James's smirk turned into a grimace.

"What are you calling a lower railway? Our company manages the entire island, and then some." replied Edward.

"Compared to the other four groups? You guys look like a branch line from 1900! Especially you as an 4-4-0!"

Edward just gave a defeated sigh as James finished shunting the train.

The Railway Series Alternate UniverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora