Book 2: Part 2: Thomas's Train

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"Good morning, lazybones!" exclaimed Thomas the next morning.

Gordon awoke with a start. "What?! What's going on!?"

"It's just time to get up! Or at least time for me to get up."

"You know I need my beauty sleep, Thomas. Why can't you just be like Henry and stay quiet when you get up?"

Henry peeked his eye open and yawned, falling back asleep.

"Well I'm not the one always saying that I don't do any work around here. So maybe you should think about that!"

Gordon huffed. "Well maybe today you'll see just how difficult it is for me."

"Ha! And how would that even happen. Just go back to sleep and stop making silly jokes!" he laughed.

Gordon didn't respond. He closed his eyes again and waited for his first train.

"And you're telling me that Henry can't take his train today?" asked the manager.

"Y-yes sir. Gordon's driver came in last night with another letter. I'm not sure whether or not-"

"What have I told you about listening to what the engine's drivers give you Reginald! If it's not from me then it's nothing important!"

"Well sir, this one's about Thomas."

"Thomas? What about him?" 

"Well, it seems like this is Gordon's idea to get back at him for the incident yesterday."

"Hmm. Really? Well, maybe we can let this one slide, and see how that insufferable engine can handle it."

"Are you sure? Who would take his place while he's gone?"

"Henry can manage. He shouldn't complain about working in the yard."

The yard manager looked out the window to the shed. Henry was slowly waking up, gently wheezing as his boiler gained pressure.

"Alright. Henry can work in the yard."

"Gordon! It's time for your first train!"

"Shut up Thomas!" Gordon yelled back. "Can't you be any more quiet!"

"Oh no, I thought today was the perfect day to have myself heard!"

Gordon rolled his eyes. 

Thomas just chuckled as the guard blew his whistle, and Gordon left the station. 

"Thomas, can you hold on for a second?" said the manager.

"Well- Yes sir. Is something the matter?"

"Henry can't take his train today. Can you try to pull it for him? It just needs to go to Edward's station."

Thomas gulped. "I can definitely try sir. But who will work in the yard?"

"We can make Henry do that. Now run along! You have a train to pull!"

"Henry, you're off the hook today!"

"For what George? I thought I was to take a train?"

"The manager sent Thomas to do it, you can have a rest in the yard today!"

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