Chapter 1: What is Paper Soap?

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Actors were experts in life. They were exposed to every foul, abhorrent, vicious obscenity that a normal nobody would ever understand. An experience that came with the territory.

Masking true contempt in the face of adversity, shadowed cryptic illness with painted smiles that hid fragmented fragility or unraveled minds, sacrificed humanity in favor of regaling in a piece of attention like lions that fought for scraps feed to them by zookeepers that tormented them from above.

Like strippers, they performed for money without hesitation, were expected to follow through on promises that were made publicly or privately, allowed to be degraded, humiliated, and subjected to scrutiny.

They entertained, they bared themselves, they were still considered the lowest of the low. No matter how highly placed they were settled atop the pedestal, the prettiest of expressions to flatter and accentuate natural beauty, the jackals nipped at the heels of their feet, prepared to devour should they dare to topple away from expectations. Fidgeted in place, unable to deviate lest they wanted to suffer industry outcast, become a social pariah, never to be heard of again.

He tiptoed that line. Every day. The eggshells he crushed beneath his feet echoed into the cavern of his mind like a hollowness that reciprocated his soul, the spill of yolk on his face, dripped distastefully against his lips that pulled into a ready smile, it came from the verbal abuse by reporters that hounded him, battered away at his sanity, social media that hid predators in the vines of commentary, photographs, and a slew of insults intertwined with sincere wishes for success.

Why did he subjugate himself to this?

Simple, it was his dream.

Ever since he was a tot and started to talk, walk, and wiggle; Apo Nattawin Wattanagitphat, wanted to become an actor. His mother joked about his birth being as dramatic as he aspired to be, that he was made to blossom on the stage, provide wholehearted entertainment to hundreds, thousands – locally and globally – that the world would provide him the stage, he just had to provide the material.

It was her encouragement, his father and his sister's, that catapulted him into the spotlight after an agency recruited him for his first role. A salesman – he recalled it clearly. He recalled all of them with a semblance of affection that he knew if he talked to colleagues, they would refuse to reference themselves, embarrassed at weak, meager beginnings. For Apo, it was the beginning that he had been able to continue through to present time, four shows under his belt, two movies, and a variety of commercials; he would consider himself above average by media standards. His natural persona was eclectic, wide-ranged, and sometimes hit with an audience and other times it failed.

He strove to always be better, to work on anything he might have failed previously, came back stronger. His determination was admirable, his charm charismatically endearing, his dedication to the craft and desire to perform his utmost, was felt by the crowd who came to look for him.

His skin, a delicious color of caramel, toffee and chocolate, all blended into a sweetness that he knew some had already indulged in when he allowed himself the luxury of a partner, his eyes followed the dessert trail with honey that flickered amber in specific lighting situations; an aspect of his body that he enjoyed being praised about. The length of him a comfortable 5'11 that was nothing to sneeze at considering his co-stars were significantly shorter than him, a mop of dark brown hair atop his head that was currently slicked back with obnoxious hairspray he nearly died inhaling, and a figure that women have approached him with obvious hatred about.

A sturdy torso, limber arms that held their own strength and coupled grace, clipped at a slender waist that screamed for waist chains, corsets, and other oddities his fans had sent him, begging him to wear at a premiere, legs that were lean yet flexible, a package that made for everyone's viewing pleasure.

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