Chapter 8: Do You Dance the Dance?

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"Do you remember the time when you got us lost in what I thought was the jungles near Kalasin, thinking a panther was going to eat us only to find out it was just your backyard Mile?" Chai laughed out obscenely in recollection, tossed his head back heartily and Mile followed the action.

Mile shook his head, "I remember. You were embarrassed, I was embarrassed, and I think my mother still tells that story to anyone willing to bend their ear towards her," A grin on his features at the memory.

"Ah! Speaking of your mother, I told her that the minute I connected with you that I would let her know!"

"I can text her I guess..."

"Better idea - we should Face Time her right now! She'd be so pleased," Chai prattled on incessantly like he had no filter, no sense, and no volume control. Bounced in his seat like a toddler in its high seat, waiting to be fed restlessly, and annoyingly.

"Why is that?"

"She said that when you're travelling, you tend to neglect taking care of yourself and eating properly so the fact you're eating and with me will be a double win in her book!"

Apo was afraid he needed migraine medicine just to get through this one outing and if this fellow managed to wrap Mile around his ring decorated fingers, then Apo would have to tap out. There was only so much self-torture he would give to himself. He practically begged Mostafa to give him a set of earplugs, only to get a chiding expression in return, and Apo dejectedly settled into his seat beside Mile ... who was in front of the newfound nuisance and interacting like nothing.

Perhaps that added further to Apo's irritation at the moment and still, Mile would never notice. As attentive and detail-orientated as the businessman was, he still needed to learn to catch onto cues such as Apo's discomfort and act accordingly; instead, he witnessed Mile just smiling and nodding like an idiot. It wasn't that he hated Chai, he didn't know the creature of darkness on a personal level but he was beginning to. It was just uncomfortable to just sit there and not be addressed in any way as one's presumed partner spoke to another. He mentally sighed with frustration. Chai lapped at the attention like a salivating dog that had been starved for days. The needy personality type was distasteful. Apo just observed as Chai went with all of Mile's cues as if trained and Apo shook his head to look away. He was probably reading too much into it and just feeling insecure – again.

Mile finished popping some salad mix into his mouth, chewed on the item lightly as he contemplated that offer for a moment, "I suppose that would be alright." His head shifted up and down in the adamant nod of approval to do so. He hadn't spoken to his mother in a long while and the excuse of a long-lost connection would make for pleasant conversation.

Obviously, the billionaire, being unable to read the room at times due to his direct and honest nature, didn't notice how irritated Apo was seated beside him or that the presence of his friend was grating on him. Instead, he flashed another pleased smile at Chai at the idea to contact his mother together. He could probably introduce her to Apo while he had her on the phone as well. This thought wasn't voiced; however, as he felt inclined to keep it a surprise for both his mom and Apo. He had to think about how to introduce his lover as well since her inquisitive nature would be prepared to spitfire a bunch of questions and he wanted to filter them before she unconsciously outed Mile with something embarrassing.

"Really?!" Chai went to dig around through his Louis Vuitton satchel bag to dig around for his cellphone presumably and Apo barely contained the urge to roll his eyes.

"Mile, did you consider the time difference and perhaps that your mother might be busy?" Apo responded calmly, the fork in his hand was used to push around the tomatoes in the salad bowl he was guilt-tripped into consuming. Not because Mile told him to but because the annoying fruit fly decided to get one, coaxed Mile into one and Apo didn't want to be the one to consume heavy filled meals for lunch. He hated tomatoes though and didn't feel the need to force himself to them, "I mean we're in Egypt and she's in Thailand likely."

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