Chapter 10: Waves of Insanity

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The laughter that was roaring from Apo was contagious that Mile honestly couldn't be bothered that it was at his expense.

It started when they managed to detach and head towards the area where they would be able to enjoy the promised camel ride that lit Apo's face like a Christmas tree and Mile made a mental note to himself, more like a text message to Preethi to look into buying a camel and the expense it would take to maintain it. She had been rapid texting him back and forth that it really wasn't feasible seeing as his journeys to Egypt were far in between his other trips; but knew that he would not relent and advised she would look into making the purchase for him and put the title under Apo's name as a surprise.

Apo had looked at him curiously but didn't question as his hands delicately caressed the muzzle of the creature as allowed by its handler and he cooed at the ability to be so close to one. Mile took out his cellphone to take pictures of his lover, noting the expressions with a swell of pride in his chest that he was finally doing something right and that made Apo happy. Not that the other was displeased; however, their trip definitely had bumps in it that were mostly his fault. He managed to juggle work pieces that were finally sent to him, forwarded along to Preethi and his analysis team as he expected to have the results of the deal at night. He could review them when he returned from this full day date with the actor. Mostafa would join them on his own camel, about to assist Apo up before Mile opened his mouth in a bid to protest and the younger already managed well on his own.

Both men were colored impressed at the flexibility and then, in a twisted irony, it was Mile who needed the leg up onto the camel's saddle. That should have been Mile's first sign that he wouldn't like camels and there was a viable reason he avoided them like the plague whenever he came by. He had been strictly doing business in the office, restaurants for dining, and then back to his jet to relax in the comfort of his privacy with his attendants nearby.

Now he was bouncing up and down, jostling and feeling the ache in his thighs being spread around the trunk of the camel that appeared to equally dislike him. It sped up, slowed down, and jerked him around as it pleased as he was getting agitated. Animals and him never went hand in hand. His parents tried to give him dogs and cats as a boy to give him companionship or comfort; it rarely worked. He had been through an experience that definitely left him reeling and preferring the comfort of solitude. His mother threw Chai at him, and he realized now why. What a headache. Currently, he had been handed the reins that controlled the camel, a stick to keep the animal in line lightly as it would need a little push in the right direction and controlled speed. Mile was an equestrian enthusiast, his house in Kalasin was surrounded by a lot of land and a couple of horses so the art and skill of riding was not new; but this felt like a different beast to conquer.

"Damned thing...ow!"

"Mile, you need to relax!" Apo yelled over his shoulder in suggestion as he could hear Mile fussing and huffing with the deed. The actor was feeling on air and urged his camel ahead at a faster pace to feel the air hit his face, tempted to close his eyes and revel in the feeling but resisted.

"How can I relax when I feel it's a bull trying to buck me off?!" He shouted over to Apo who was riding ahead of him, only looking over his shoulder to chuckle at his plight and that, alone, relaxed Mile to accept his fate of never being a camel whisperer, "I was not an Egyptian prince in a past life..." A murmur passed his lips.

"That much is obvious sir."

"Are you always so diligently prepared to answer my quips with sarcasm?"

"No sir, I answer with truth. It's what I'm paid to do, and I do rather well," Mostafa commented as he sidled up next to Mile to reach over to grab hold of the reins lightly to tug the head of the camel, clicked his tongue and the animal instantly slowed on its hind legs like a backpedal brake to a bike and a sigh of relief from Mile, "There we go."

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